Are you hying to feed paper using the frontpanelbuttons while the ON LINE indicator is illuminated?
ISthe papertoothick?
You can only feed paperin this way whenthe printeris
Therearelimits to thethicknessof paperthatcanbe fed in this way (one top copy andthreeNCR copies). Try with thinnerpaper.
If the ASF is not operatingor is not feeding paper carectly, check the following:
Has the ASF option been selected using the Memory Switch functions?
Is the release lever set to the ~ position?
Is the ASF correctly mounted?
Is paper caught up near the orinthead?
Are the left andright guides too close together?
Is theretoomuchpaperin the paperfeedhopperorstacker?
Was thepaperfannedbefore being fed into the ASF?
Haathe paperbeen used al- readyor is it creased?
Are you
ts the papertoo thick or too ~?
Possible remedy
Select this option
The release lever should be set to the
MakesurethattheASF improperlyseatedontheprintcr.
Stopprinting,remove thejsrnmedsheet (you mayhave to remove the ASF for this), andcontinue.
If the left andright guides are too close together, the paperwill not feed smoothly.Move thema little further aW to Mow the paperto feed freely.
The ASF’Spaperfeed hopperandstackercan hold 120 sheets each. Makesurethatthereis no morepaperthan this in either the hopperor stacker.
If this is not done, paperjams may occur. Remove the stackof paperfrom the ASF andfan it before reinsert- ilw.
Only new, uncreaaedpaper should be used with the ASF.
You can only feed paperin this way when theprinteris
Therearelimits to thethicknessof paperthatcan be fed in this way. Try with differentpaper.