I Set left margin
I<ESC> | 1 | I |
Thecommandabovesetstheleftmargin,where“l” is a lowercase“L” (not“one”), and<o is a binaryvalueusedto settheleftmargin.Themarginis definedin terms ofthenumberofcharacterpositionsatcurrentpitch.Ifproportionalspacinghasbeen selected,thenthecharacterwidthforpicapitchis used.Theleftmarginmaynotbe closer than two print positionsto the right margin,otherwisethis command is ignored.
I Set right margin |
| I | ||
I <ESC> | Q |
| Standard | I | |
I | IBh | 51h |
| I |
I | 27 | 81 | <m |
| I |
| Q | <m | IBM | I |
| ICh | 51h | <m |
| 28 | 81 | <0 |
Thecommandabovesets therightmargin,wherecn> is a binaryvalueusedto set therightmarginin characterspacesat thecurrentpitch.If proportionalspacinghas been selected,thenthe characterwidthfor picapitch is used.
Horizontalprint position controlcodes
[ Carriagereturn | Both I | |
I | <CR> | I |
I | 13 | I |
The commandaboveperformsa carriagerehun. The print head will return to the beginningof theprintline.If AUTOLF hasbeensetup withtheMemorySwitches, a line feed willbe performedas will (at the currentline spacing).