6.1.6 Fibre Channel configuration commands
The Fibre Channel ports are configured with default settings but may be customized using CLI.
Controls/reports the connection mode the FibreBridge uses when communication across a FC network, either to an arbitrated loop
Default: loop
Set syntax: set FCConnMode [fp] [loop ptp loop-
Requires a SaveConfiguration command Get syntax: get FCConnMode
Sets/displays the value used as the
Default: 0x03
Set syntax: set FCHard Address [fp [address]] Requires a SaveConfiguration command
Get syntax: get FCHardAddress [fp]
Specifies the rate the FibreBridge will use, either 1 Gigabit/sec., 2 Gigabit/sec., 4 Gigabit/sec. or auto negotiate.
Default: auto
Set syntax: set FCDataRate [fp] [1Gb 2Gb 4Gb auto]
Requires a SaveConfiguration command Get syntax: get FCDataRate
Used to enable or disable FC hard address assignment. Under soft addressing, the FibreBridge loop address is assigned during loop initialization. Use FCHardAddress (described below) if you enable hard addressing.
Default: disabled
Set syntax: set FCHard [enabled disabled] Requires a SaveConfiguration command Get syntax: get FCHard
Displays a list of available Fibre Channel ports and their current values. Valid status values are OK, Reserved and Failed.
Immediate command: FCPortList
Obtains information about every FC target device visible to a FibreBridge operating in initiator mode; devices may be used as targets for initiator mode features.
Get syntax: FCTargets <fp>
Reports the Word Wide Name (WWN) of the FC interface. Each FC port has an individual and unique WWN. The least significant 6 bits of the WWN are used as the Ethernet MAC address. Fabric and loop operations are unpredictable if duplicate WWNs are assigned.
Information only: get FCWWN [fp]
48 Interfaces: FC commands