TDK 750W HALF RACK Under Voltage Limit UVL, Foldback Protection, Output ON/OFF Control

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The UVL prevents adjustment of the Output Voltage below a certain limit. The combination of UVL and OVP functions, allow the user to create a protection window for sensitive load circuitry.

5.4.1Setting the UVL level

Setting the UVL can be made when the power supply output is Enabled (On) or Disabled (Off). To set the UVL level, press the OVP/UVL button TWICE, so that the CURRENT meter shows “UUL”. The VOLTAGE meter shows the UVL setting level. Rotate the VOLTAGE encoder knob to adjust the UVL level. The display will show ‘UUL” and the setting value for 5 seconds after the adjustment has been completed and then will return to its previous state.

UVL setting values are limited at the maximum level to approximately 95% of the Output Voltage setting. Attempting to adjust the UVL above this limit will result in no response to the adjustment attempt. The minimum UVL setting is zero.


Foldback protection will shut down the power supply output if the load current exceeds the cur- rent limit setting level. This protection is useful when the load circuitry is sensitive to an overcur- rent condition.

5.5.1Setting the Foldback protection

To arm the Foldback protection, the FOLD button should be pressed so that the FOLD LED illu- minates. In this condition, transition from Constant Voltage to Constant Current mode will acti- vate the Foldback protection. Activation of the Foldback protection disables the power supply output, causes the ALARM LED to blink and displays “Fb” on the VOLTAGE meter.

5.5.2Resetting activated Foldback protection

There are four methods to reset an activated Foldback protection.

1.Press the OUT button. The power supply output is enabled and the Output Voltage and Cur- rent will return to their last setting. In this method, the Foldback protection remains armed, therefore if the load current is higher than the current limit setting, the Foldback protection will be activated again.

2.Press the FOLD button to cancel the Foldback protection. The power supply output will be disabled and the VOLTAGE display will show “OFF”. Press the OUT button to enable the power supply output.

3.Turn the power supply output Off and then On using the SO control (refer to Section 5.7). In this method the Foldback protection remains armed, therefore if the load current is higher than the output current setting, the Foldback protection will be activated.

4.Turn the power supply Off using the AC On/Off switch, wait until the front panel display turns Off, then turn the unit back ON again. The power supply output is enabled and the Output Voltage and Current will return to their last setting. In this method, the Foldback protection remains armed, therefore if the load current is higher than the output current setting, the Foldback protection will be activated again.


The Output On/Off Enables or Disables the power supply output. Use this function to make ad- justments to either the power supply or the load without shutting off the AC power. The Output On/Off can be activated from the front panel using the OUT button or from the rear panel J1 connector. The OUT button can be pressed at any time to Enable or Disable the power supply output. When the output is disabled, the Output Voltage and Current fall to zero and the VOLTAGE display shows “OFF”.


Contacts 2, 3 and 15 of J1 (Fig.4-2, Item 5) serve as Output Shut-Off (SO) terminals. The SO terminals accept a 2.5V to 15V signal or Open-Short contact to disable or enable the power sup- ply output. The SO function will be activated only when a transition from On to Off is detected after applying AC power to the unit. (Thus, in Auto-Restart mode, the output will be Enabled after


83-507-5002 Rev. B

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Contents Genesystm 750W Half Rack Page Page Genesys Manual Supplement Table of Contents Front and Rear Panel Controls and CONNECTORS………... ……… ……… Isolated Analog Progamming Option ……………………………..…… Warranty Safety Instructions Safety Instructions SICHERHEITS-INSTALLATIONS Anweisungen Umweltbedingungen Sicherheits-und WarnsymboleAnderungen and Bauteileersatz Features and options General InformationIntroduction General DescriptionMultiple output power system Control via the serial communication portAnalog voltage programming and monitoring Parallel operationAccessories Specifications ChapterFront Panel Supplemental Characteristics Genesystm Genh 750W Power Supplies Outline Drawings Installation GeneralPreparation for USE Initial InspectionsSingle unit installation Rack MountingAC Input Power Connection LOCATION, Mounting and CoolingAC Source Requirements GENH/RM Rack Mounting outline drawingsTURN-ON Checkout Procedure AC Input ConnectorAC Input Cord GeneralConstant Voltage Check Constant Current CheckOVP Check UVL CheckConnecting the Load Wire termination AWGNoise and Impedance Effects Inductive loadsMaking the load connections 6V to 60V ModelsBus-bars shield mounting 80V to 600V Models 83-507-5002 Rev. B Connecting multiple loads, radial distribution method Connecting single loads, local sensing defaultConnecting single loads, remote sensing Multiple load connection with distribution terminals Grounding outputsSense wiring Output Terminal GroundingLocal and Remote Sensing Local sensing10.4 J2 sense connector technical information Remote sensingVoltage Front and Rear Panel Controls and ConnectorsFront Panel Controls and Indicators Auxiliary Function Rear Panel Connections and Controls Rear panel connections and controls Number DescriptionRear Panel SW1 Setup Switch 1 SW1 position functionMaking J1 connections Rear Panel J1 Programming and Monitoring ConnectorResetting the SW1 switch 83-507-5002 Rev. B Signal EnainIfcom LocalConstant Voltage Mode Constant Current ModeLocal Operation Standard OperationSetting the OVP level Resetting the OVP circuitOver Voltage Protection OVP Automatic CrossoverOutput SHUT-OFF SO Control VIA Rear Panel J1 Connector Under Voltage Limit UVLFoldback Protection Output ON/OFF ControlENABLE/DISABLE Control VIA Rear Panel J1 Connector CV/CC SignalPsok Signal Over Temperature Protecton OTPLast Setting Memory SAFE-START and AUTO-RESTART ModesSeries Operation Series connection for increased output voltageSeries connection for positive and negative output voltage Series connection for positive/negative output voltagesSetting up the Master unit Setting up the Slave unitsParallel Operation Basic parallel operationSetting Over Voltage protection Setting Foldback protectionAdvanced parallel configuration Setting the units as Master or SlaveMaster and Slave units default operation To release units from Slave modeCurrent display accuracy AST OFF OUT OFFDAISY-CHAIN Connection Front Panel LockingUnlocked front panel Locked front panelRemote Analog Programming LOCAL/REMOTE Analog IndicationDown Remote voltage programming connectionResisitive Programming of Output Voltage and Current Limit Remote resistive programmingRemote Monitoring of Output Voltage and Current RS232 & RS485 Remote Control ConfigurationFront panel in Remote mode Rear Panel RS232/RS485 Connector6 RS232/RS485 port in Local mode MD Mode Description MD Mode enable Serial communication modeMD Mode SRQ MD Mode SRQ RetransmissionConnecting Power Supplies to RS232 or RS485 BUS Single power supplyCommunication Interface Protocol Error Messages Command SET DescriptionOutput Control Commands Initialization Control CommandsID Control Commands DVC? FilterFILTER? OUT?Global Output Commands Single Byte Commands Enable MD Mode MD Mode Option RequiredDisable SRQ retransmission MD Mode Option Required Enable SRQ retransmission MD Mode Option RequiredRetransmit Last Message Addressed commands with response Read registersPrint Power On Time Re-enable SRQ with out reading/clearing the Seve Register Test if MD Mode is InstalledAddressed commands without response Acknowledge SRQ 110x STATUS, Error and SRQ Registers Status Control CommandsConditional Registers TXDService Request Enable and Event Registers BITFault Enable Register Fault Event RegisterStatus Enable Register Status Event RegisterCommunication Test Power supply set-upSerial Communication Test SET-UP Specifications Isolated Analog Programming Option1 0-5V/0-10V Option PN IS510 PPM/CIsolated Programming & Monitoring Connector Setup and Operating Instructions Maintenance OUP Fuse Rating