TDK 750W HALF RACK Psok Signal, SAFE-START and AUTO-RESTART Modes, Over Temperature Protecton OTP

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The PS_OK signal indicates the fault condition of the power supply. PS_OK is a TTL signal out- put at J1-16, referenced to IF_COM at J1-2, 3 (Isolated Interface Common). When a fault condi- tion occurs, the PS_OK level is low, with a maximum sink current of 1mA; when no fault condition occurs, the PS_OK level is high with a maximum source current of 2mA. The following faults will set the PS_OK to a Fault state:


*Enable/Disable open (Power supply is disabled)


*SO (Rear panel Shut-Off, Power Supply is shut off)


*IEEE failure (With optional IEEE interface)

*AC fail

*Output Off


When turning On the power supply AC On/Off, it can start to its last setting of Output Voltage and Current with the output Enabled (Auto-restart mode) or start with the output Disabled (Safe- start mode). Press and hold the OUT button to select between Safe-start and Auto-restart modes. The VOLTAGE display will continuously cycle between “SAF” and “AU7” (“7” represents “T”) every 3 seconds. Releasing the OUT pushbutton while one of the modes is displayed, se- lects that mode. The default setting at shipment is Safe-start mode.

5.11.1 Auto-restart mode

In this mode, the power supply restores its last operation setting. Upon start-up, the output is en- abled or disabled according to its last setting.

5.11.2 Safe-start mode

In this mode, the power supply restores its last operation setting and sets the Output to an Off state. At start-up, the output is Disabled and the Output Voltage and Current are zero. To Enable the output and restore the last Output Voltage and Current values, momentarily press the OUT button.


The OTP circuit shuts down the power supply before the internal components can exceed their safe internal operating temperature. When an OTP shutdown occurs, the display shows “O7P” and the ALARM LED blinks.

Resetting the OTP circuit can be automatic (non-latched) or manual (latched) depending on the Safe-start or Auto-restart mode.

1.Safe-start mode: In Safe-start mode, the power supply stays Off after the over temperature condition has been removed. The display continues to show “O7P” and the ALARM LED con- tinues to blink. To reset the OTP circuit, press the OUT button (or send an OUT ON com- mand via the serial port).

2.Auto-restart mode: In Auto-restart mode, the power supply recovers to its last setting auto- matically when the over temperature condition is removed.


The power supply is equipped with Last Setting Memory, which stores several power supply pa- rameters at each AC turn-off sequence.


1.OUT On or Off

2.Output Voltage setting (PV setting)

3.Output Current setting (PC setting)

4.OVP level

5.UVL level

6.FOLD setting

7.Start-up mode (Safe-start or Auto-restart)


83-507-5002 Rev. B

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Contents Genesystm 750W Half Rack Page Page Genesys Manual Supplement Table of Contents Front and Rear Panel Controls and CONNECTORS………... ……… ……… Isolated Analog Progamming Option ……………………………..…… Warranty Safety Instructions Safety Instructions SICHERHEITS-INSTALLATIONS Anweisungen Anderungen and Bauteileersatz Sicherheits-und WarnsymboleUmweltbedingungen Introduction Features and optionsGeneral Information General DescriptionAnalog voltage programming and monitoring Multiple output power systemControl via the serial communication port Parallel operationAccessories Specifications ChapterFront Panel Supplemental Characteristics Genesystm Genh 750W Power Supplies Outline Drawings Preparation for USE InstallationGeneral Initial InspectionsSingle unit installation Rack MountingAC Source Requirements AC Input Power ConnectionLOCATION, Mounting and Cooling GENH/RM Rack Mounting outline drawingsAC Input Cord TURN-ON Checkout ProcedureAC Input Connector GeneralOVP Check Constant Voltage CheckConstant Current Check UVL CheckConnecting the Load Wire termination AWGMaking the load connections Noise and Impedance EffectsInductive loads 6V to 60V ModelsBus-bars shield mounting 80V to 600V Models 83-507-5002 Rev. B Connecting single loads, remote sensing Connecting single loads, local sensing defaultConnecting multiple loads, radial distribution method Multiple load connection with distribution terminals Grounding outputsLocal and Remote Sensing Sense wiringOutput Terminal Grounding Local sensing10.4 J2 sense connector technical information Remote sensingFront Panel Controls and Indicators Front and Rear Panel Controls and ConnectorsVoltage Auxiliary Function Rear Panel Connections and Controls Rear panel connections and controls Number DescriptionRear Panel SW1 Setup Switch 1 SW1 position functionResetting the SW1 switch Rear Panel J1 Programming and Monitoring ConnectorMaking J1 connections 83-507-5002 Rev. B Ifcom SignalEnain LocalLocal Operation Constant Voltage ModeConstant Current Mode Standard OperationOver Voltage Protection OVP Setting the OVP levelResetting the OVP circuit Automatic CrossoverFoldback Protection Output SHUT-OFF SO Control VIA Rear Panel J1 ConnectorUnder Voltage Limit UVL Output ON/OFF ControlENABLE/DISABLE Control VIA Rear Panel J1 Connector CV/CC SignalLast Setting Memory Psok SignalOver Temperature Protecton OTP SAFE-START and AUTO-RESTART ModesSeries Operation Series connection for increased output voltageSeries connection for positive and negative output voltage Series connection for positive/negative output voltagesParallel Operation Setting up the Master unitSetting up the Slave units Basic parallel operationAdvanced parallel configuration Setting Over Voltage protectionSetting Foldback protection Setting the units as Master or SlaveCurrent display accuracy Master and Slave units default operationTo release units from Slave mode AST OFF OUT OFFDAISY-CHAIN Connection Front Panel LockingUnlocked front panel Locked front panelRemote Analog Programming LOCAL/REMOTE Analog IndicationDown Remote voltage programming connectionResisitive Programming of Output Voltage and Current Limit Remote resistive programmingRemote Monitoring of Output Voltage and Current RS232 & RS485 Remote Control Configuration6 RS232/RS485 port in Local mode Rear Panel RS232/RS485 ConnectorFront panel in Remote mode MD Mode SRQ MD Mode DescriptionMD Mode enable Serial communication mode MD Mode SRQ RetransmissionConnecting Power Supplies to RS232 or RS485 BUS Single power supplyCommunication Interface Protocol Error Messages Command SET DescriptionID Control Commands Initialization Control CommandsOutput Control Commands FILTER? DVC?Filter OUT?Global Output Commands Disable SRQ retransmission MD Mode Option Required Single Byte CommandsEnable MD Mode MD Mode Option Required Enable SRQ retransmission MD Mode Option RequiredPrint Power On Time Addressed commands with response Read registersRetransmit Last Message Addressed commands without response Acknowledge SRQ Test if MD Mode is InstalledRe-enable SRQ with out reading/clearing the Seve Register 110x STATUS, Error and SRQ Registers Status Control CommandsConditional Registers TXDService Request Enable and Event Registers BITFault Enable Register Fault Event RegisterStatus Enable Register Status Event RegisterSerial Communication Test SET-UP Power supply set-upCommunication Test 1 0-5V/0-10V Option PN IS510 SpecificationsIsolated Analog Programming Option PPM/CIsolated Programming & Monitoring Connector Setup and Operating Instructions Maintenance OUP Fuse Rating