Perle Systems 5500208-41 manual Glossary

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This chapter provides definitions for IOLAN terms.

BOOTP (BOOTstrap An Internet protocol that enables a diskless workstation to discover its own IP address, the IP

Protocol)address of a BOOTP server on the network, and a file to be loaded into memory to boot the machine. This enables the workstation to boot without requiring a hard or floppy disk drive.

Community (SNMP)

An SNMP community is the group that devices and management stations running SNMP belong


to. It helps define where information is sent.

DHCP (Dynamic Host

A TCP/IP protocol that provides static and dynamic address allocation and management.





Direct Connection

Connections that bypass the IOLAN enabling the user to log straight into a specific host. A


direct connection is recommended where a user logging in to the IOLAN is not required.


A high-speed (10Mbps,100Mbps) cable technology that connects devices to a LAN, using one


or more sets of communication protocols.

Local Authentication

Uses the user ID and password stored within the IOLAN User database.

Modem Initialization

A series of commands sent to the modem by a communications program at start up. These


commands tell a modem how to set itself up in order to communicate easily with another




Message of the day. This is defined by a file whose contents display when users log into the




The broadcasting of messages to a specified group of workstations on a LAN, WAN, or internet.

NAK (Negative

A communication control character sent by the receiving destination indicating that the last


message was not received correctly.

Reverse Connection

Connections that originate from a host that go directly to a serial device through the IOLAN.

Silent Connection

Silent connections are the same as direct connections except that they are permanently


established. The host login prompt is displayed on the screen. Logging out redisplays this


prompt. Silent connections, unlike direct connections, however, make permanent use of pseudo


tty resources and therefore consume host resources even when not in use.

SNMP (Simple

A protocol for managing network devices.

Network Management




Subnet/Prefix Bits

Identifies the devices IP address, which portion constitutes the network address and which


portion constitutes the host address.

IOLAN DS1/TS2 CLI Reference Guide, Version 4.1


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Contents Iolan DS1/TS2 EN 55022 1998, Class A, Note Table of Contents User Commands Line Commands Network Commands Time Commands Statistic Commands Glossary Channel Control CommandsIolan DS1/TS2 CLI Reference Guide, Version Preface About This BookIntended Audience Making a Technical Support Query Contacting Technical SupportFeedback on this Manual Repair ProcedureContacting Technical Support Introduction Command SyntaxIntroduction CLI ConventionsCommand Options Command ShortcutsServer Commands Server CommandsSet Custom-App Set ServerDhcp/bootp Bypass-passwordOem-login Password-limitTimeout Set ServicePrompt-with-name Single-telnetHardware Commands Set Modbus Gateway Modbus CommandsUser Level Admin TruePort Baud CommandsSet TruePort Remap-Baud Show TruePortIPv6 Commands Set IPv6Show IPv6 Set Custom-IPv6 Add Custom-IPv6Range Default Range Default 64 method manualDelete Custom-IPv6 Field Format IPv6 address prefix-bits manualIPv6 Commands Commands for Users Logged Into the Iolan User CommandsPing MenuResume ScreenSet User Session Set UserSyslog Console Show Line UsersShow Sessions Show TermtypeTcpport TelnetSet Default User Configuring UsersVersion Add UserLevel Hotkey-prefixService Line-accessSess-timer Phone-numberSet User Level Configureduser Show Default UserShow the settings for the specified user Show the settings for the current userConfiguring Users Port vs -Port Line Commands Line CommandsLine Commands Set LineDial-timeout Break-delayOptions break Break-lengthInitial Data-logginInitiate-connection Internet-addressDefault Disabled Session strings ResetDefault 10 ms LockStop-bits Term-typeTerm1, Term2, Term3 user defined terminals User Set Line Interface Set Line Service ConfighostServerport Hostport Set Modem ModemnameInitstring Show Line Line Service CommandsOptions termtype Set Telnet-ClientOutboundport Set UDPStartipaddress EndipaddressSet Vmodem Set Vmodem-Phone Set Modbus-Slave Line Set Modbus-Master LineIPaddress Set Line Initiate-Connection Set Multihost LineShow Telnet-Client Show InterfaceShow UDP Show VmodemAdd Modem Modem CommandsDelete Modem Show ModemsSet Packet-Forwarding Line Packet Forwarding CommandsEnable-end-trigger2 Enable-end-trigger1Enable-end-eof1 Enable-end-eof2Show Packet-Forwarding Line Packet Forwarding Commands Snmp Commands Network Commands ChapterAdd Community Add TrapDelete Trap Delete CommunitySet Snmp Show SnmpHosts Commands Tftp CommandsShow Hosts Gateway CommandsAdd Gateway Delete GatewaySet Gateway Description Configures the gateway User Level Admin SyntaxShow Gateways DestinationipLogging Commands Set SyslogShow Syslog Time Commands Time CommandsTime/Date Setting Commands Show Date Bootup Commands Administration CommandsShow Bootup Set BootupConfiguration file Show ARPNetload Tftp File Transfer CommandsHostname/ipaddress FilenameOptions Factory-default-config Custom Factory DefaultNetsave Table or a DNS serverSet Motd CommandsSet Motd Show MotdMotd Commands Configuration Statistics Statistic Commands ChapterShow Netstat Show Modbus StatisticsRun-Time Statistics O Commands Global I/O CommandsSet IO UDP Set Line Set IO Temperature-ScaleSet IO Failsafe Set IO ModbusSet IOChannel Set IOChannel ModeSet IOChannel Digital I/O Set IOChannel Digital InputSet IOChannel Digital Input Serial Pins Set IOChannel Digital Output Current status. The default is disabledDescription can be up to 20 characters Will be displayed as activeInactive-signal-width Active-signal-widthActive-to-inactive-delay Inactive-to-active-delaySet IOChannel Relay Set IOChannel Digital Output Serial PinsOptions description RelaynumberOptions analogchannel Set IOChannel Analog True AnalogTrigger-level Trigger-typeClear-mode Clear-levelSet IOChannel Analog Temperature Level Default Disabled keepalive EnabledSet IOChannel IOExtension Options channelClient-initiated multihost Client-initiated tcp-portServer-initiated tcp-port Local-connection inputchannelShow IOChannel Status Set IOChannel MultihostKill IOChannel ChannelShow IOChannel Show IODigital Output Channel Control CommandsDigital Input RelayGlossary