Set IOChannel
Set IOChannel IOExtension
Description Configures the I/O extension options that allow you to connect the Digital Input channel or input serial signal pin (when the line is configured for
User Level Admin
Syntax set iochannel <channel> ioextension enabled onoff [keepalive onoff]
set iochannel <channel> ioextension
set iochannel <channel> ioextension
set iochannel <channel> ioextension
Options <channel>
Specify the Digital/Relay channel or serial signal pin that you are configuring the I/O extension for. The channel can be d1, d2, d3, d4, r1, r2, depending on the model. The serial signal pins are dsr, dcd, or cts for input and dtr or rts for output.
When enabled, the digital input channel or DSR/DCD/CTS input serial signal pins can be connected to:
zA Digital output or relay (if the I/O model supports relay) channel on the same
zOutput Serial Signal Pins (DTR/RTS)
zA Digital output channel on another IOLAN(s) or output serial signal pins (DTR/RTS) on another IOLAN(s)
zA TCP/IP application(s) running on a host on the network
When enabled, the digital output/relay channel or DTR/RTS output serial signal pins can be associated with a digital input channel or input serial signal pins.
Default: Disabled keepalive
Enables a
This parameter needs to be used in conjunction with server parameter,
88 | IOLAN DS1/TS2 CLI Reference Guide, Version 4.1 |