ports. If “Forward” is displayed, the remote partner is forwarding
•Parser Action - Indicates the Parser Action state (“Discard”, “Forward”, “Loopback” or “Unknown”) of the remote ports. If “Forward” is displayed, the remote partner is forwarding
•Critical Event - Indicates the Critical Event state (“Yes”, “No” or “Unknown”) of the remote partner. If “Yes” is displayed, the local device has detected a Critical Event. If “No”, the local device has not detected a critical event. If “Unknown,” the Critical Event status of the remote partner is indeterminate.
•Link Fault - Indicates the remote partner has detected a fault in the receive direction (“Yes”, “No” or “Unknown”). If “Yes” is displayed, the receive link is down. If “No”, the receive link is up. If “Unknown,” the link fault status is indeterminate.
•OAM Mode - Indicates the OAM mode (“Active” or “Passive”) of the remote partner.
•Supports - Indicates the supported options (Variable Access “Var”, Link Event Notification “Events”, Loopback “LB”, Unidirectional “UNI” or blank if no options are supported) of the remote partner.
•OUI - Indicates the three hex byte IEEE organizational specific identifier (or blank if unknown) of the remote partner.
802.3ah parameters can be accessed by selecting options 5 from the Port configuration screen. Port 1 configuration screen is displayed.
802.3ah Control - iConverter 2FXM2 | iConverter, Serial Agent | |||
Identifier - |
Chassis Number = 1 | Slot Number = 1 | Model Number = | Port # = 1 | |
1: 802.3ah OAM State |
| Disabled | Local Status |
2: OAM Mode |
| Active | Discovery State | Disabled |
3: Loopback Mode |
| Disabled | Multiplexer State | Forward |
4: Loopback Timeout |
| 30 sec | Parser Action | Forward |
5: Unidirectional Mode | Disabled |
| |
| Remote Status |
| Discovery State | Unknown |
| Critical Event | No |
| Link Fault | No |
| Multiplexer State | Unknown |
| Parser Action | Unknown |
| Mode | Unknown |
| Supports | Unknown |
| OUI: | Unknown |
Enter, Previous Screen (0), (n)ext page, (H)elp, E(x)it >
To configure the 802.3ah parameters for the Port 2, type an n and press <ENTER>.
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