CYDC256B16, CYDC128B16, CYDC064B16, CYDC128B08, CYDC064B08
then the SEM pin must be asserted instead of the CE pin, and OE must also be asserted.
The upper two memory locations may be used for message passing. The highest memory location (FFF for the CYDC064B16, 1FFF for the CYDC128B16 and CYDC064B08, 3FFF for the CYDC256B16 and CYDC128B08) is the mailbox for the right port and the
Each port can read the other port’s mailbox without resetting the interrupt. The active state of the busy signal (to a port) prevents the port from setting the interrupt to the winning port. Also, an active busy to a port prevents that port from reading its own mailbox and, thus, resetting the interrupt to it.
If an application does not require message passing, do not connect the interrupt pin to the processor’s interrupt request input pin. On power up, an initialization program should be run and the interrupts for both ports must be read to reset them.
The operation of the interrupts and their interaction with Busy are summarized in Table 2.
The CYDC256B16, CYDC128B16, CYDC064B16, CYDC128B08, CYDC064B08 provide
A M/S pin is provided in order to expand the word width by configuring the device as either a master or a slave. The BUSY output of the master is connected to the BUSY input of the slave. This will allow the device to interface to a master device with no external components. Writing to slave devices must be delayed until after the BUSY input has settled (tBLC or tBLA), otherwise, the slave chip may begin a write cycle during a contention situation. When tied HIGH, the M/S pin allows the device to be used as a master and, therefore, the BUSY line is an output. BUSY can then be used to send the arbitration outcome to a slave.
Input Read Register
The Input Read Register (IRR) captures the status of two external input devices that are connected to the Input Read pins.
The contents of the IRR read from address x0000 from either port. During reads from the IRR, DQ0 and DQ1 are valid bits and DQ<15:2> are don’t care. Writes to address x0000 are not allowed from either port.
Address x0000 is not available for standard memory accesses when SFEN = VIL. When SFEN = VIH, address x0000 is available for memory accesses.
The inputs will be 1.8V/2.5V LVCMOS or 3.0V LVTTL, depending on the core voltage supply (VCC). Refer to Table 3 for Input Read Register operation.
IRR is not available in the CYDC256B16 and CYDC128B08, as the IRR pins are used as extra address pins A13L and A13R.
Output Drive Register
The Output Drive Register (ODR) determines the state of up to five external binary state devices by providing a path to VSS for the external circuit. These outputs are Open Drain.
The five external devices can operate at different voltages (1.5V ≤ VDDIO ≤ 3.5V) but the combined current cannot exceed 40 mA (8 mA max for each external device). The status of the ODR bits are set using standard write accesses from either port to address x0001 with a “1” corresponding to on and “0” corresponding to off.
The status of the ODR bits can be read with a standard read access to address x0001. When SFEN = VIL, the ODR is active and address x0001 is not available for memory accesses. When SFEN = VIH, the ODR is inactive and address x0001 can be used for standard accesses.
During reads and writes to ODR DQ<4:0> are valid and DQ<15:5> are don’t care. Refer to Table 4 for Output Drive Register operation.
Semaphore Operation
The CYDC256B16, CYDC128B16, CYDC064B16, CYDC128B08, CYDC064B08 provide eight semaphore latches, which are separate from the
Semaphores are accessed by asserting SEM LOW. The SEM pin functions as a chip select for the semaphore latches (CE must remain HIGH during SEM LOW).
When writing to the semaphore, only I/O0 is used. If a zero is written to the left port of an available semaphore, a one will appear at the same semaphore address on the right port. That semaphore can now only be modified by the side showing zero (the left port in this case). If the left port now relinquishes control by writing a one to the semaphore, the semaphore will be set to one for both sides. However, if the right port had requested the semaphore (written a zero) while the left port had control, the right port would immediately own the semaphore as soon as the left port released it. Table 5 shows sample semaphore operations.
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