| Chapter 5 – AT Commands, |
Command: | %Sn | Command Speed Response | |
Values: |
| n = 0, 1 |
Default: |
| 0 |
Description: |
| %S0 Sets modem to respond to AT commands at all normal speeds. | |
| %S1 AT commands accepted at 115200 bps only. Commands at other speeds are ignored. | |
Command: | $Dn | DTR Dialing |
Values: |
| n = 0 or 1 |
Default: |
| 0 |
Description: |
| $D0 Disables DTR dialing. | |
| $D1 Dials the number in memory location 0 when DTR goes high. | |
Command: | $EBn | Asynchronous Word Length | |
Values: |
| n = 0 or 1 |
Default: |
| 0 |
Description: |
| $EB0 Enables | |
| $EB1 Enables | |
Command: | $MBn | Online BPS Speed | |
Values: |
| n = speed in bits per second | |
Default: |
| 28,800 |
Description: |
| $MB75 | Selects CCITT V.23 mode |
| $MB300 | Selects 300 bps |
| $MB1200 | Selects 1200 bps |
| $MB2400 | Selects 2400 bps |
| $MB4800 | Selects 4800 bps |
| $MB9600 | Selects 9600 bps |
| $MB14400 | Selects 14400 bps |
| $MB19200 | Selects 19200 bps |
| $MB28800 | Selects 28800 bps |
| $MB33600 | Selects 33600 bps |
Command: | $RPn | Ring Priority vs. AT Command Priority | |
Values: |
| n = 0 or 1 |
Default: |
| 1 |
Description: |
| $RP0 | The AT command will have priority over the ring. S1 will be reset to 0 if an |
| AT command is received. This command is storable to memory. |
| $RP1 | The ring will have priority over the AT command. S1 will increment even if an |
| AT command and ring are received together and the incoming call will be |
| answered when S1 is equal to S0. |
| Note: SocketModems do not detect ring cadence of TelTone telephone line |
| simulators as a valid ring. |
Command: | $SBn Serial Port Baud Rate | ||
Values: |
| n= speed in bits per second | |
Default: |
| 115200 |
Description: |
| $SB300 | Sets serial port to 300 bps |
| $SB1200 | Sets serial port to 1200 bps |
| $SB2400 | Sets serial port to 2400 bps |
| $SB4800 | Sets serial port to 4800 bps |
| $SB9600 | Sets serial port to 9600 bpst |
| $SB19200 | Sets serial port to 19200 bps |
| $SB38400 | Sets serial port to 38400 bps |
| $SB57600 | Sets serial port to 57600 bps |
| $SB115200 | Sets serial port to 115200 bps |
| $SB230400 | Sets serial port to 230400 bps |
SocketModem Global MT5634SMI Developer’s Guide | 32 |