Installing CCA Server Components ■ Configuring CCA Resources
You only select a call center if you want the CTI server to use only that call center.
To configure the CTI server
1From Network Manager, choose CTI Server as the resource to modify.
2From the Resources menu, choose Modify Resource.
3From the Resource Information dialog box, click Advanced.
4From the Call Centers (tab) dialog box, select the call center that will be dedicated to the CTI server from the Call Centers Unused list, and move it to the Call Centers Used list.
Starting and stopping TCPIPBus
TCPIPBus is the key element of the CCA application server. With TCPIPBus, Web Server and all CCA resources can communicate with each other in
In Ms Windows:
■Open the Services control panel in Start > Programs > Administrative tools > Services.
■Navigate to the TAW
■On the right menu, click Start to start the TCPIPBus or click Stop to stop the service. In Solaris/Linux:
■Login as user account used to run CCA server resources.
■To start TCPIPBus and run as service, run command: nohup tcpipbus &
■To stop TCPIPBus:
❏Find the process ID of the running TCPIPBus by command: ps
❏Kill the TCPIPBus process by command: kill
Starting and Stopping CCA Resources
NOTE: Before you can start any CCA resource, the TCPIPBus must be installed and started first.
To start and stop resources
1From Network Manager, choose the resource to be started or stopped.
2Click Go to start it. Note that button Go is enable only when the resource is not running.
3If the resource is running, click Stop to stop it.