Configuring the Database ■ Configuring an Oracle 9i Database for CCA
&4 - PathTableSpace | Path for the | TAW Table Space | ||
&5 - TableSpaceSize | 500M Initial | size of the Table Space | ||
&6 - TWTableSpaceTemp | TAW Temporary Table Space | |||
&7 - PathTableSpaceTemp | Path for the | TAW Temporary Table Space | ||
&8 - TableSpaceTempSize | 50M | Initial size of the Temporary Table Space | ||
&9 - TableSpaceTempGrowthSize | 10M | Temporary Table Space Growtrh Size | ||
TWRole |
--&11 - ADMINCC81 (Admin Username) ADMINCC81
--&12 - ADMINCC81 (Admin Password) ADMINCC81
(User | Username) | CC81 |
| ||||||
(User | Password) | CC81 |
| ||||||
Use by the JDBC | Connection |
| ||||||||
&16 | - | Database | Hostname | db | Hostname | Use by the | JDBC Connection | |||
&17 | - | Database | Port Number | db | port number |
@CreateDatabase.sql 'syspassword' 'oracle' 'TWTableSpacecc81' 'c:\oracle\oradata\oracle\twcc81.ora' '500M' 'TWTableSpacecc81Tmp' 'c:\oracle\oradata\oracle\twcc81tmp.ora' '50M' '10M' 'TWRolecc81' 'ADMINCC81' 'admincc81' 'cc81' 'cc81' 'oracle'
3Open the command line window. Navigate to directory that contains the UseMe.sql file by cd command.
4Open the Sql Plus console by typing: sqlplus /nolog
5From the Sql Plus command prompt, type: @UseMe.sql to run the script file.
6After the script file completes running, check all log files created to verify that no error is reported during database creation process.
Upgrading an Older Oracle 9i Database for CCA
Complete these steps to upgrade an older Oracle 9i database for CCA:
To upgrade an Oracle 9i database for CCA
1Copy the Patch folder for Oracle 9i Database Server from the installation package to the host used to run database scripts. For example, we put it in C:\CCA\database\Oracle\Patch.
2Edit the UseMe_upgrade.sql file in Patch folder to reflect the correct information that is necessary to upgrade the database by using the following guidelines:
NOTE: Retain the quotation marks (‘’) surrounding the parameters’ values.
■Replace &1 with the username of the administrator who owns all the objects (tables, views, indexes, and so on) in the database to be upgraded.
■Replace &2 with the password of the administrator used in previous parameter.
Contact Center Anywhere Installation Guide Version 8.1