Silex technology SX-560 manual Ad-Hoc

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2.If you are connected to Serial Port 3, you will see some information about the firmware versions and copyright notices displayed on the terminal (skip to the next step if you are connected to Serial Port 2). Enter admin when you get the login: prompt, and then enter the password access. Then enter the command console in response to the Linux # prompt.

Note: Early versions of the SX-560 firmware require you to login as root with the password access, and to enter command

./console to access the console.

3.When you see the Local> prompt, you can enter commands (note that this command may take up to 30 seconds to appear if you are using Serial Port 2). The SX-560 is set by default to use DHCP to obtain the IP address automatically. If you want to set the IP address manually, enter the following commands:




where is the IP address of the SX-560. You can use the command SHOW IP to verify the IP address settings.

4. Enter the basic wireless settings as follows:

SET NW SSID <name>

[where <name> is the SSID for your network]

SET NW MODE <mode>

[where mode is INFRASTRUCTURE or




[where n is 1 to 11; this is only required for



5.Use the appropriate SET NW command to set wireless encryption mode and authentication type (check with your network administrator for the proper settings if you do not know them):

SET NW ENC <mode>

[sets encryption mode, where <mode> is WPA,


WPA2, 64, 128, or WPA2-WPA]


[sets authentication type, where <type> is





For WPA2-PSK or WPA, enter the command:



[sets pre-shared key for WPA2 or WPA, where


<psk> is the key]


[enables or disables WPA group key mode,


where <state> is ENABLED or DISABLED;


default is DISABLED]

For WEP (WEP64 or WEP128), use the following commands:


[Sets WEP key, where <key> is 10 hex


characters for WEP64 or 26 hex characters for




[sets the number of the WEP key that will be


used as the transmit key, where n=1 to 4; default


value is 1]

Configuring the SX-560


Part Number 140-00192-100

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Contents SX-560 Embedded Intelligent Module Trademarks Contents 101 Figures Silex Part Number Contents Emissions Disclaimer Safety PrecautionsAbout This Reference Guide Silex SX-560 top and bottom view IntroductionSilex Part Number Introduction Installing SX-560 Module in Evaluation Daughtercard Chapter Installing the Evaluation DaughtercardSilex Part Number Installing the Evaluation Daughtercard Verify Development Kit Contents SX-560 Module Inserted in Daughtercard Installing the SX-560 ModuleFunction State Status Monitoring Module StatusOEM Interface Status MonitorsOEM Interface Signal Descriptions Pin Type Electrical CharacteristicsDTR DCDRXD TXDCTS DB-9 RS-232 Signal TypeLogical Serial Port 1 Signal Descriptions Pin Input/Output RTSGPIO6 DCD0 GPIO3 TspicsGPIO4 DTR0 GPIO5 DSR026-Pin I/O Header Signal Selectable LED and Gpio Descriptions USB Host Port and Ethernet Port UART0TXD, UART0RTS UART1TXD, UART1RTS UART2TXD LCD InterfaceSilex Part Number Installing the Evaluation Daughtercard Wireless Configuration Settings Chapter Configuring the SX-560Basic Configuration Requirements TCP/IP SettingsConfiguration Methods Initial Wireless SetupConfiguring the SX-560 Silex Part Number Silex Configuring the SX-560 Silex Part Number Silex Using the SX-560 Configuring the SX-560 Silex Part Number Using a Web Browser to Configure the SX-560 Configuring the SX-560 Silex Part Number Using the Internal Command Console to Configure the SX-560 AD-HOC Init Exit SpaceCustomizing the SX-560 User Interface Chapter Using the SX-560 with Your ApplicationLinux Programmability Init Power ConfigurationSET Default Serial Port EmulatorTelnet ipaddress portnumber Raw TCP connectionRFC 2217 Remote Modem Control Support ECable ModeSET Port S1 Constr ++++ Print Server ModeConsole Mode Switching SET Port S1 Filter AT AT CommandsSnmp Traps, Email Alerts, and Gpio Status Interfacing the SX-560 to the OEM Device SX-560 Evaluation Daughtercard Schematics SX-560 Evaluation Daughtercard Schematics CPIO2, GPIO3 ResetiSpics TXD1 Spiclk CTS1 Ground Iicsdc TXD2 Iicsda RXD2USB SX-560 Power RequirementsSignal Pin Type Description USB+Antenna Connectors Installing the SX-560Retaining Bracket Optional Antenna Connector Types Parameter DescriptionDrive High/Low Description Regulatory Approval RequirementsGeneral Purpose I/O Interface Gpio Interface PinCTS/RTS Chapter Advanced ConfigurationFactory Default Settings Factory Default Settings Parameter DescriptionParameter Description Settings Default Setting Modifying TCP/IP SettingsChange Password Window Parameter SettingDNS TCP/IP Configuration Settings ParameterCommand Description Configuring SnmpSnmp Commands Snmp Configuration Configuring the General Purpose I/O Gpio LinesShow Gpio DIR Gpio General Commands DescriptionShow Gpio Special SET Gpio Special EN DISShow Gpio Specm DIS Gpio Trigger Commands DescriptionShow Gpio Trigm Trig # Email String Your email text msg here Gpio #2 is Gpio Transmit Commands DescriptionGpio Data Commands Trig # Email String Gpio #1 is Gpio #2 isShow Gpio Data SET Gpio Port Gpio TCP Monitor CommandsSET Gpio MON EN DIS Show Gpio MONGPIO=00abLF 5 4 3 2 1 Index # Xmit String Trigger string was seen Port Monitor Alert Commands DescriptionIndex # Monitor String Index # Xmit String Xmit stringUsing AT Modem Commands Setting up Email Alerts and Snmp TrapsAT Commands Parameter Description Standard AT Commands SupportedAT#Cset nw ssid silex#Csave Parameter Command DescriptionExtended AT Commands Parameter Description Response Codes Numeric Code Description Using ExtendView for Bulk ConfigurationResponse Codes Silex Chapter Product SpecificationsPort Destination Device TCP Port ConnectionsSdio TCP Port ConnectionsTtls Leap Peap TLS Fast Appendix a Advanced Security ConfigurationPSK EAPWEP Key Value Encryption ModeWireless Authentication Type Key SelectionPrivate Key TLS Wireless Security Only PasswordAuthentication Protocol Authentication CertificateSilex Part Number Advanced Security Configuration Network Commands Appendix B Console CommandsWireless and Network Security Commands TLS Fast WPA-PSK SET NW RTS SET NW PW SET NW IDSET NW Realm SET NW Wpagroup Enable DisableSET NW Inap PAPMSCHAPV2 Port Commands Description Port CommandsSET NW Reset SET Port S1 Size 7 Server Information CommandsServer Information Commands Description CL Port S1 JOBSerial number is Serial server Firmware Ver .19 Boot Ver 16Mbit FlashSH Serial Service Commands Description Service CommandsSET Servi service name NAme Newname SET Servi service name FRMSET Servi service name FRS SET Servi service name IP ENable DIsableSET Snmp Getcomm Snmp CommandsSnmp Commands Description POSTSCRIPT\0A String CommandsString Commands Enter LANGUAGE=TCP/IP Commands TCP/IP CommandsAuto Dhcp Static SET IP FTPSET IP Http SET IP LPDSET IP Tftp SET IP TELnet ENable DIsableSET IP Timeout SET IP TCPBit# Hex Value Trigger Condition SH IPAuto XxxxxxS1A 9100 XxxxxxS1B 3001SH Power Power Configuration CommandsPower Configuration SET Power power-levelSave Miscellaneous CommandsHelp Commands Miscellaneous CommandsAppendix C Engineering Drawings Antenna Cable Drawings and SpecificationsElectrical Performance Parameter Value Antenna Drawings and SpecificationsVswr Electrical Specifications Parameter ValueSilex Part Number Engineering Drawings Tftp -iipaddress put filename access Appendix D Firmware Update ProceduresSilex Part Number Firmware Update Procedures Appendix E Using the Silex Virtual Link USB Software Silex Part Number SVL USB Firmware Appendix F GNU/Linux Open Source and Programming Silex Part Number GNU/Linux Programming Silex Technology Beijing, Inc Appendix G Silex Contact InformationSilex Technology America, Inc Silex Technology Europe GmbHSilex Part Number Silex Contact Information Part Number 140-00192-100 Revision C-2 Silex Technology America, Inc