Command |
| Description |
| Format: |
| SET IP FTIme | [ENable DIsable] |
| |
SET IP FTP | Enables or disables FTP protocol | |
| The default value is Enable. | |
| Format: |
| SET IP FTP | [ENable DIsable] |
| |
SET IP HTTP | Enables or disables HTTP protocol | |
| The default value is Enable. | |
| Format: |
| SET IP HTTP | [ENable DIsable] |
| |
SET IP | Sets interval in minutes for sending TCP keepalive packets on a connection | |
KEepalive* | The default value is 5 minutes. | |
| ||
| Format: |
| SET IP KEepalive n | |
| |
SET IP LPD | Enables or disables the LPD protocol | |
| The default value is Enable. | |
| Format: |
| SET IP LPD | [ENable DIsable] |
| |
SET IP MEthod | Sets method of getting IP address | |
| The default value is Auto. |
| Format: |
| |
SET IP REtry | Enables or disables LPD retry on incomplete job | |
| The default value is Disable. | |
| Format: |
| SET IP REtry | [ENable DIsable] |
SET IP ROuter | Sets default router address |
| The default value is | |
| Format: |
| SET IP ROuter | aa.bb.cc.dd |
SET IP SUbnet | Sets IP subnet mask |
| The default value is | |
| Format: |
| SET IP SUbnet | aa.bb.cc.dd |
| |
SET IP TCP | Enables or disables the raw TCP 9100 protocol | |
| The default value is Enable. | |
| Format: |
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Part Number
Console Commands