Setting up Email Alerts and SNMP Traps
After you have created the GPIO and/or Serial Port alerts and traps, you can the use the
This screen allows you to define up to eight Email addresses that can receive alert information. Each address can receive any combination of the alerts that you have defined previously. You must enter the IP address of your SMTP server and the Email address(es) where you want the alerts to go, and you must check the S1 or S2 box (Use on Port). For example, in the above screen, the user has configured two serial port alerts and two GPIO alerts. He has decided to send one of the serial port alerts and one of the GPIO alerts to the mail address admin@companyxyz.com. If desired, he could create up to seven more Email addresses that could each receive any combination of these alerts.
The SNMP Trap Configuration page works exactly the same way as the Email Alert Configuration page, except that you enter the Trap Community plus the IP address and port of the destination computer(s) instead of the Email information. Up to eight separate IP addresses can be configured with any combination of the alerts that you have defined. Note that you may also use the console command SET IP TRAP n TRIGGER console command (see appendix B) to set up the traps.
When you have finished configuring the alerts, be sure to click the Submit button to save the settings. You will also need to restart the
Using AT Modem Commands
All commands begin with AT and are terminated by a new line unless noted below. While standard AT commands are defined to be 40 characters or less (not including the AT), the server accepts commands of up to 80 characters.
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Advanced Configuration