6 • Troubleshooting
Access to Area 6
Area 6 is located under Sheet Feeder D, where envelopes are fed into the system. Therefore, before access can be gained to a material stall in this area, Sheet Feeder Tray D should be removed as described on page
Once the tray is removed, access to stalled material can be gained by unlatching the lever shown in the illustration above.
Access to Areas 7 and 8
Areas 7 and 8 are located at the inner ends of the Insert Feeders F and G. Therefore, before access can be gained to a material stall in these areas, the Insert Trays must be removed as described on page
Once the trays are removed,
access to stalled material can Area 7 be gained by unlatching the
access covers shown.
Area 8
SV40221 Rev. A |