Introduction • 1
Press this key to take you back to the Home Screen. The Home Screen is where you can run jobs and is the start point for accessing the menus.
Starts automatic operation.
Trial Piece
Press this key to run test piece(s) so that you can check the machine setup. Trial Piece(s) must be run before automatic operation can be commenced using the Start key. If double detection is in use, the machine calibrates itself automatically as it runs the Trial Piece(s).
If the job includes an Outer Envelope, it will be unsealed so that the contents can be easily checked.
Clear Deck
Press this key to drive the material through and out of the system. It can be used to clear the machine ready for automatic operation after a stoppage has occurred, etc.
Stops automatic operation at the end of the next cycle.
Navigation Keys (▲▼◄► OK)
These keys are used to move a highlighted area around the display. Once the desired area is highlighted, press the OK key to select it. The ▲ and ▼ navigation keys can also be used to change values of machine settings.
Screen Keys
These are the six round keys located directly to the right of the display. These keys correspond to the changeable options on the display alongside them and therefore are not labelled.
SV40221 Rev. A |