Reset Factory Settings
Scanning the Factory Default Settings bar code resets the scanner to the original factory settings, clearing any programming changes you may have made.
Factory Default Settings
Status Check
Scan the Show Software Revision bar code to transmit the software revision level to the host terminal. The software revision will be printed out as “WA34310XXX.” (The “X’s” will vary according to the firmware ID.)
Show Software Revision
Quick Suffix Selections
If your application requires it, scan the Program Carriage Return Suffix bar code to program a carriage return (CR) suffix for all enabled bar code symbologies. Scanning this bar code clears all previously programmed prefixes and suffixes.
Scan the Clear Bar Code Suffix bar code to disable (or clear) all previously programmed prefixes and suffixes (e.g., the carriage return suffix).
Program Carriage Return Suffix
Clear Bar Code Suffix
SCANTEAM 5700 User’s Guide |