Defining the source of page images
There are two possible image sources: from image files and from a
scanner. There are two main types of scanners: flatbed or sheetfed. A scanner may have a
Input from image files
You can create image files from your own scanner, or receive them by
This is the current folder.
Use Shift+ clicks or Ctrl+clicks to place more than one file in the File name text box.
Specify the file type(s) you want listed.
This can be used for multipage TIFF, DCX, MAX and PDF files.
This is a blank image file for the saving option: "New file for each blank page".
Select this to see a thumbnail of the selected file. Not available when multiple files are selected.
Click Advanced to open the lower panel and Basic to close it.
Use this to add files from different folders and to control file order precisely.
Use these arrows to change the file order.
48Processing documents