process zones on an ignore background. Draw a process zone to enclose columns of text to have them handled automatically. They will be decolumnized in the Text Editor’s NF view and RFP view, but kept in columns in True Page view.
Ignore zone (gray)
Use this to draw an ignore zone, to define a page area you do not want transferred to the Text Editor.
Text zone (brown)
Use this to draw a text zone. Draw it over a single block of text. Zone contents will be treated as flowing text, without columns being found. If you want columns of text to be handled automatically, enclose them in a process zone.
Table zone (blue)
Use this to have the zone contents treated as a table. Table grids can be automatically detected, or placed manually as described in the next section. Table zones must be rectangular. The Text Editor displays the table in an editable grid. For many output file types, you can choose whether to export tables in grids or in columns separated by tabs.
Graphic zone (green)
Use this to enclose a picture, diagram, drawing, signature or anything you want transferred to the Text Editor as an embedded image, and not as recognized text. Embedded images can be exported with the document to target applications supporting graphics.
Text and table zones have a zone content setting. Alphanumeric contents validates all characters needed for your language choice. Recognition results from a numeric zone will contain only numbers and
56Processing documents