Single column, no table
Choose this setting if your pages contain only one column of text and no table. Business letters or pages from a book are normally like this. Choose it also for a page with words or numbers arranged in columns if you do not want these placed in a table or decolumnized or treated as separate columns. Graphics may be detected.
Multiple columns, no table
Choose this if some of your pages contain text in columns and you want this decolumnized or kept in separate columns, similar to the original layout. Columns can be retained in the output document, either with frames (if True Page is selected at export time) or without frames (if Flowing Page is selected). If tabular data is encountered, it is likely to be treated as flowing text. Graphics may be detected.
Single column with table
Choose this if your page contains only one column of text and a table.
Choose this if your whole page consists of a table which you want to export to a spreadsheet program, or have treated as single table. No flowing text or graphics zones will be detected.
Choose this for maximum control over
Choose a zone template file if you wish to have its background value, zones and properties applied to all acquired pages from now on. The template zones are also applied to the current page, replacing any existing zones. They will also be applied to
52Processing documents