Basic Configuration via CLI
#>sudb cirmir 5 128 256 3000 3000
In this example, SU #5’s CIR downstream was set to 128, and its CIR upstream to 256. MIR upstream and downstream were set to 3000.
To change the default CIR/MIR values, use the following command:
sudb defaultcirmir <default cir dn> <default cir up> <default mir dn> <default mir up>
#>sudb defaultcirmir 256 256 512 512
To view the entries in the SUDB, type the command sudb view.
To save the changes you have made to the SUDB, type save sudb.
Other important SUDB related commands are sudb delete and sudb modify. See Appendix A for a descriptions of these commands.
!Important! After updating the SUDB, type the command save sudb to save your changes. If you do not save, the SUDB file will revert back to its previous state after power cycle or reboot.
Subscriber Unit Basic Settings
Login to the SU. To receive a comprehensive snapshot of the system’s configuration info and status, type the command sysinfo.
#> sysinfo
[Hardware Version] 0005
[FPGA Version] 03121104 [Checksum] 75930BDC
[Firmware Version] SU 1p0a2H0005D04010603 [Checksum] F4658C90 [Device ID] 00 01 DE 16 E3 7F [S/N] 01500031
[Base ID] 1234 [AP ID] 01 [SU ID] 1 [System Up Time] 0 day(s) 00:37:02 [Opmode] on [Default Opmode] on
[IP] [Subnet Mask] [Gateway] [Httpd Port] 80 [Httpd Status] listen
[Telnetd Port] 23 [Telnetd Status] connected (,1147) [Tftpd] disabled
[RF Tx Power]
[RF Rx Threshold]
[Ch#01] 906 Mhz [Ch#02] 912 Mhz [Ch#03] 918 Mhz [Ch#04] 924 Mhz [Default Channel] 1 v [Active Channel] 1 h [Associated] Y
[Broadcast Packet] block [Auto Scan AP] on [TCP/IP for AP] on [TCP/IP for Local Eth]on
[RF Rx] 3 kbps [RF Tx] 3 kbps [Eth Rx] 0 kbps [Eth Tx] 0 kbps [ARQ RF Tx Retry] 197 [ARQ RF Tx Retry Maxed Out] 0
Many of these parameters can be changed by the user. A description of each of these changeable parameters, along with the related command, is shown in the table below.
!Important! When changing settings, it is usually necessary to type the save ss command in order to update the radio’s flash memory. If you do not type the save ss command, the settings will be lost the next time the radio is rebooted or power cycled.
Trango Broadband Wireless — User Manual M900S Rev C | Page 24 |