Getting Started
Example (to view a list of all commands which start with su) #> ? su
su [all <suid, 1..126>] su info <suid, 1..126>
su linktest <suid, 1..126>
su password <suidall> <rwro> <new password> <new password> su ping <suid, 1..126>
su reboot <suidall>
su sw <suidall> <sw#, 0..7> <on off> su testrflink <suid, 1..126> <r>
su testrflink <all> <r>
sudb add <suid, 1..126> <prre> <device id,hex>
sudb cirmir <<suid>all> <cir dn> <cir up> <mir dn> <mir up> sudb defaultcirmir [<cir dn> <cir up> <mir dn> <mir up>] sudb delete <<suid>all>
sudb dload
sudb gid <<suid>all> <0..15> sudb view
survey <time, 1..10 sec> <antenna, hve>
NOTE: The majority of the CLI commands will be covered throughout this text as well as in Appendix A − Command Set Reference.
If you can not telnet into the radio or open a browser session, check cable connections, ensure proper use of cross- over vs.
Trango Broadband Wireless — User Manual M900S Rev. C | Page 9 |