■Rear View
@1 | @3 @5 | @7 | #1#2 |
IN | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | IN | IN ALARM / REMOTE | |
| T | R |
| G B A B A | |
OUT | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | OUT | OUT |
| SPOT | VS/VD | RS485 | DATA |
| @8 |
| |
| |
| @2 | @4 @6 | @9 #0 |
@1Camera Input Connector 1-4 (CAMERA IN 1 2 3 4)
These connectors accept the composite video signal supplied by the cameras while passing through the control data and VD2 sync signal.
@2Camera Output Connector 1-4 (CAMERA OUT 1 2 3 4)
These connectors supply the looped through composite video of the camera image. Any one of these connec- tors can accept VD2 sync from a connected device such as a Video Multiplexer that accepts composite video while sending VD2. Refer to page 23 for details.
@3Spot Input Connector (SPOT IN)
Accepts a spot output signal supplied from another Data Multiplex Unit when connecting more than one unit in a daisy fashion.
@4Spot Output Connector (SPOT OUT)
Supplies the composite video signal of the selected camera, alarm activated camera or
@5VS/VD Input Connector (VS/VD IN)
Accepts C. Sync, VBS or VD sync input. The unit will follow the sync input while supplying sync through the VS/VD OUT connector to other devices. Cameras will follow VD2 sync supplied through the CAMERA IN con- nectors. You need to set up VS/VD INPUT in the SYS- TEM menu window when connecting. Refer to page 23 for details.
Note: Sync source should comply with the EIA
@6VS/VD Output Connector (VS/VD OUT)
Supplies a sync signal depending on the input to the VS/VD IN connector and setting of the MODE DIP switch #1. Refer to page 15 and 23 for details.
@7Alarm/Remote Terminal (ALARM/REMOTE)
@8RS-485 Terminal (RS-485)
These terminals are exclusively used for devices com- patible with “Camera Communication Protocol” such as the
@9Data Port (DATA)
This port is exclusively used to communicate with devices compatible with “PS • Data protocol” such as the
#0DIP Switch (MODE)
Data communication mode and sync setting are speci- fied with this switch. Refer to page 15 for more informa- tion.
#1Signal grounding terminal (SIGNAL GND)
#2Power cord