Lsn, 42
Prot, 42
Rmt, 42
Shift, 42
SRQ, 42
Tlk, 42
Unr, 42 keyboard cursor, 45 keyboard display, 42, 45 keyboard entry keys, 44, 45 keyboard function keys, 43 keyboard jack, 41 keyboard keys
,43, 45, 47
,43, 45
,43, 46
,43, 46, 47
,43, 46, 47
,44, 45, 47, 48
,43, 48
,43, 49
,43, 48
,43, 48
,44, 46
,43, 45
,44, 45
keyboard letter keys, 44 keyboard number keys, 44
Index (continued)
keyboard select keys, 43, 46 keyboard system keys, 43 keyword, optional, 31
language, SCPI (see SCPI) LCD (see display)
lists, 10, 33
manual, change sheet, 17 manuals, instruction, 9, 10
nonvolatile memory, 29
OCP, 28, 32
output connector, 15, 29 output curve, 15 output impedance, 11 output noise, 23 output rating, 15, 23 overcurrent protection (see OCP) overvoltage protection (see OVP) OVP, and battery charging, 26 OVP, clearing, 32
OVP, and remote sensing, 26 OVP, and status, 45
parallel operation, 23 password, calibration, 35, 38
location 0 state, 34 *RST state, 34
primary address (see GPIB address) programming, from a controller, 31 programming, from a keyboard, 31, 41 programming current, 28, 32 programming protection circuits, 28, 32 programming triggers, 33 programming voltage, 28, 32
pull tab, 20
52 Index