You can also run the tests from the command line. At the system prompt, type:
Running the Group 1 Tests
The Group 1 tests include:
■Register Access Test
■FIFO Loopback Test
■Ethernet Core Loopback Test
■Encoder/Decoder Loopback Test
■Interrupt Test
For a description of each Group 1 test, access help by pressing [F1]. When the help screen appears, tab to the Index button and press [Enter]. Use the arrow keys to move through the Index listings. Select Test Definitions and press [Enter].
To run the Group 1 tests, follow these steps:
1Under the Test
The Run Tests dialog box appears, with the Start button highlighted.
2Press [Enter] to start the tests.
Group 1 tests run ten times (default setting) unless you specify otherwise. The test results are displayed on the screen in the Results column.
To run the tests continuously, go to the Repetitions box on the Test Setup screen, and select Continuous (and deselect Halt on Error in the Errors box). To access the Test Setup screen, select Test in the menu bar, and then select Test Setup in the