3. Operation
3.1 Initial start-up
It is essential to contact our Customer Service to ensure that your system is commissionned in complete safety and to benefit from the manufacturer’s guarantee.
1 - Check that the battery switch (60) (see section 2.2, page 12) on top cover is connected.
2 - Set the upstream circuit breaker (not included) to the "I" position (ON).
The equipments are powered via the Normal AC source, but not protected by the UPS.
Batteries are recharging, an 8 hour recharge period is necessary to get full backup time.
LEDs (22) is ON, LEDs (33) and (34) are green.
33 34
UPS personalisation
If UPS personalisation is desired, it is advised to enter the personalisation mode at this time (see the 4.4 "Personalisation" section).
3.2 Final start-up sequence
20 21 22
3- Press the "I" button (29) more than 3s.
The buzzer beeps once, and after UPS internal test sequence, the LED (20) is ON.
LEDs (30), (32), (34) are green.
The equipments are protected by the UPS.
If LED (21) or (22) is ON, an alarm has occurred (see the "troubleshooting" section).
30 | 32 | 34 | 29 |