System requirements
To successfully install and operate the software, your system must meet the following requirements:
•Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.01 or later (Service Pack 2 or later)
•65 MB of available hard disk space (150 MB recommended) MP drivers : 50 MB
MP Toolbox : 15 MB
•USB cable 16.4 ft. (5 m) or shorter
Windows 98
•IBM or compatible computer with a Pentium® 90 processor or higher
•32 MB of RAM (64 MB or more recommended)
Windows Me
•IBM or compatible computer with a Pentium® 150 processor or higher
•32 MB of RAM (64 MB or more recommended)
Windows 2000 (Service Pack 1 or later)
•IBM or compatible computer with a Pentium® 133 processor or higher
•64 MB of RAM (128 MB or more recommended)
Windows XP
•IBM or compatible computer with a Pentium® 300 processor or higher
•64 MB of RAM (128 MB or more recommended)
User privileges when using Windows 2000/XP
When installing, you must have Administrator privileges.
When using, you must have user privileges or greater.
Introduction | Chapter 1 |