Management and Configuration
Admin When in Admin mode, you have access to all the print server's parameters and you can change them to your liking. This mode is intended for network administrators and can be password protected to prevent unauthorized changing of the print server parameters.
To protect the Admin pages from unauthorized use, enter a password in the Root Password field under Admin General Settings
Accessing the Web Follow the steps below to access the internal web pages of the Axis Network Pages Print Server:
1.Enter the print server’s IP address (or host name) in the Location/Address field of your Web browser. Press Enter
2.The Printer Overview page will appear. Click the admin button to access the Administration web pages.
3.You may be prompted for a password, enter the default user name root and the default password pass. Click OK.
•It is highly recommended that you change the default password. This is done from the Admin General Settings General tab in the Root Password field
•You can address the print server’s Web interface via https:// To do this you must enable the SSL/TLS protocols in the web interface: Admin Network Settings Detailed View TCP/IP and set the HTTPS Enabled parameter to Yes (you must have a valid certificate loaded).If you do not have a valid certificate loaded, select Admin Security Settings and click Create.
Available Services The following services are available from the User mode. A link to the Axis from the User Mode home page is available from this mode.
Printer Overview The Printer Overview page contains a section that allows you to view the general parameter setting of the Axis Network Print Server, including the print server name and the location of the print server in your organization, if defined.
By clicking the printer icon a printer page opens, allowing you to view the status and the supported capabilities ofconnected printer. The extent of this information depends on the printer model. From the printer page, you can also print a test page to the printer.
Print Jobs From the Print Jobs page you can view the status of the current print jobs, including the number of printed bytes and the origin of the print job. You can also view a log of the 20 latest print jobs that includes the user, the printing protocol and the file size. A log that displays the accumulated usage of the connected printers allows you to control the usage of the connected printers.
Help The Help page presents you with basic information about the Axis Network
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