811. Before. Beforemaking a servicemakingcall a service call
If a problem occurs, follow the instructions in this table to track down and eliminate the cause of the problem.
Problems | Possible causes | Remedies |
Nothing is displayed on the | • The inverter connected is not | • Check whether the inverter is turned |
screen. | turned on or it is not connected | on. |
| securely. | • Check the interconnect cable and the |
| connector for loosening. |
The Startup window | • A cable other than a dedicated | • Use a dedicated cable. |
appears, but the message | one is used. | • Set the communication speed and the |
“CONNECTION IN | • The communication speed | parity, as specified below. |
PROGRESS” does not out | setting or parity setting of the | F800 (communication speed) = 1 |
and the screen does not turn | inverter is different from that of | (19,200 bps) |
to the next window. | the unit. | F801 (parity) = 1 (even parity) |
| Then turn the unit off and then back on |
| to reset it. |
Although line information is | • Connection may be broken | • Move to another window by pressing |
displayed on the screen, | during communication. | the [ESC] key to reload textual |
textual information is not | • If the unit uses an old language | information, and check the cable and |
displayed. Or some | database, the codes shown | the connector for loosening. |
characters are not displayed | below may be displayed. | • This phenomenon does not mean that |
correctly. | <Ex.> | the unit is faulty. |
| “F123” “:004” “M301” |
The error code | • The same key is pushes more | • Check whether the key operates |
failure alarm) is displayed. | than 20 seconds. | normally. If it does not operate |
| normally, it has to be repaired. |
Operation cannot be | • Panel Operation mode is not | • Change the setting of the basic |
controlled with the [RUN] | enabled. | parameter COMd (command input |
key or the [STOP/RESET] |
| mode) to 1 (Panel / |
key. | • The operation frequency is set | • Set an operation frequency according |
| at 0.0Hz. | to the setting of the basic parameter |
| FMOd (frequency input mode 1). |
| When performing operation at the |
| frequency set with the extension |
| operation panel (see section 5.1), set |
| FMOd to 4 (Panel / |
Operation can be controlled | • The basic parameter Fr (panel | • Change the setting of the parameter Fr |
with the [RUN] key and the | FWD/REV selection) is set to 0 | (panel FWD/REV selection) to 2 or 3. |
[STOP/RESET], but the | or 1. |
direction of rotation cannot |
be changed with the |
[FWD/REV] key. |
The inverter has tripped | • F803 (com | • Connection may be broken during |
because of a communication | turned ON (enabled). | communication. Check the cable and |
error (Err5). | * By default, the function of | the connector for loosening. |
| measuring the time for a |
| |
Although the [STOP/RESET] | • Multiple commands have been | • Check to see if multiple commands |
key was not pressed, the | entered because the three keys | have been entered as a result of |
machine stopped operating. | [F2], [F3] and [F4] or [ESC], | pressing the three keys in rapid |
| [FWD] and [RUN] were pressed | succession. |
| in rapid succession. | • Check whether the key operates |
| • The [STOP/RESET] key may be | normally. If it does not operate |
| broken and held in the ON | normally, it has to be repaired. |
| position. |