3.4 Using the
3.4.10Testing Tab (Cont.)
3.4.11 About Tab
∙View File button - View the currently selected print code file in a text editor
∙Send To Printer button - Sends the currently selected print code file to the printer, effectively printing the job again. If graphics or format caching was enabled, it may be necessary to send each print file in the order it was logged to get the desired results.
∙Delete File button - Deletes the print code file currently selected in the list.
∙Delete All Files button - Deletes all print code files in the current directory and clears the list.
This page will allow checking the driver version information, printer apabilities, system information and also will display the software license greement. Clicking on the About tab will cause the following screen isplay to appear.
Clicking on the License button in the preceding screen will cause the following screen display to appear.