Dialing Methods
There are several ways of dialing the number of the party to which you want to send a fax. They are as follows:
■When the fax number is not registered in the machine
•Regular Dialing
■When the fax number is registered in the machine
•Coded Speed Dialing
•Group Dialing
•Directory Dialing
| • If you are unsure of the registered fax number, check the destination label, or print each list and check |
NOTE | the numbers. (→ p. |
| • For details on registering a fax number for speed dialing, → Chapter 3. |
Regular Dialing
Dial a fax number by using the numeric keys, just like dialing a telephone number.
9 0 5 7 9 5 1 1 1 1
| Function | Additional Functions | Collate | 2 on 1 |
| Energy Saver |
Fax Monitor | Redial / Pause |
| In Use/Memory Alarm |
| |
Memory |
| ABC | DEF | Stop/Reset |
| |||
| |
Reference | Coded Dial |
Report | + |
| GHI | JKL | MNO |
| Directory |
| Set |
| |
Delayed | Space |
| Start |
Transmission | Receive Mode | Enlarge/Reduce |
| PRS | TUV | WXY |
| Paper Select |
| ||
Book Sending | Delete |
| FAX Resolution |
| Exposure | Image Quality | ||||
wPress Start.
TEL= 9057951111
•If you enter the wrong number, press Stop/Reset or Clear to delete the number, then enter the correct number.
• The Function key will light up by pressing Function to be able to operate Clear.