Raven Installation Guide | Servo Control Operation |
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4.4External Current Limit - Continuous (ECLC)
The continuous current limit of the Raven amplifier can be scaled down by an external voltage or by an external resistor connected from pin J2/1 (ECLC) to pin J2/2 (ECLRET).
4.4.1External Voltage
An external positive voltage (0 to 3.75 V) to terminal J2/1 (ECLC) in reference to terminal J2/2 (ECLRET) will control the continuous current limit from zero to Ic(nom).
IC(new) = | VECLC | * Ic(nom) | |
3.75V | |||
The voltage is internally clamped to 3.75 V whenever the external VECLC is greater than 3.75 V.
The external voltage source must be able to source/ sink at least ±0.4 mA. The maximum absolute VECLC is 12 V.
4.4.2External Resistor
Connect an external resistor between terminal J2/1 (ECLC) and terminal J2/2 (ECLRET). The resistor value is given by:
RECLC (Kohm) = 12.5 * | Ic(new) | - 1 | |
Ic(nom) | |||
0 < RECLC < 11.4 K (1/8 Watt)
At RECLC greater than 11.4 K, the current limit will be internally clamped to the nominal value.
IC(nom) is the nominal continuous current limit of the amplifier.
4.5External Current Limit - Peak (ECLP)
The peak current limit of the Raven amplifier can be scaled down by an external voltage or by an external resistor connected between pin J2/3 (ECLP) and pin J2/2 (ECLRET).
4.5.1External Voltage
An external positive voltage (0 to 3.75 V) to terminal J2/3 (ECLP) in reference to terminal J2/2 (ECLRET) will control the peak current limit from zero to Ip(nom).
Ip(new) = | VECLP | * Ip(nom) | |
3.75V | |||
The voltage is internally clamped to 3.75 V whenever the external VECLP is higher than 3.75 V.
The external voltage source must be able to source/sink at least ±0.4 mA. The maximum absolute VECLP is 12 V.