RS-232C Interface
2.Next, after [ACK] is returned because communication was
1)The response data (return data) format when the command from the personal computer was received properly by the VTR is as follows.
[STX] [data] [ETX]
02H XX XX 03H
Example: Send command | Return data = Receive data |
[STX] QCD [ETX] | [ACK] [STX] CD | [ETX] |
2)If the data is incorrect or the trouble has occurred in the VTR, details indicating the reason why the data could not be received are returned using the following format.
[STX] | E | R | 0 | 0 | [ETX] |
02H | 45H | 52H | 30H | 30H XX | 03H |
Meaning of
1 (31H): Unknown command, or command execution error
2 (32H): Bad data code parameter error
3 (33H): Receiving buffer overflow error
[STX] | E | R | 1 | 0 | [ETX] |
02H | 45H | 52H | 31H | 30H XX | 03H |
Meaning of
2 (32H): Front loading error
3 (33H): Loading error
4 (34H): Drum/capstan system error
5 (35H): Reel system error
6 (36H): Tension system error
7 (37H): Fan motor error
8 (38H): Dew error
[STX] | E | R | 1 | F | F | [ETX] |
02H | 45H | 52H | 31H | 46H | 46H | 03H |
System (servo communications) error