960L Owner’s Maunal | Using The Reverb Program |
Using the Reverb Programs
Music recorded in a typical studio sounds dull. In a performance space the music is enhanced by reverberation, but even in an ideal space capturing that reverberation can be chancy. Lexicon reverberators solve this problem by enabling you to generate exactly the reverberance that your recordings call for, even with multitrack originals made in imperfect spaces. You can make your listeners feel they are sitting in a real concert hall, even though they are in a small room with hard, flat walls. The object of the 960L is to create, in the studio, the acoustics of any real or conceivable space, and to reproduce these acoustics using the full directional capabilities of a modern surround system.
Reverberation and Reality
The acoustics of a given space are defined by its reflected energy – that is, the way sound is reflected and
It is in principle possible to model the reflected energy pattern in a specific space, either real or imagined, and to reproduce this pattern as closely as possible through a
Alas, the illusion of reality is not so easily achieved. First, real spaces are themselves a compromise. Small rooms (and stage houses) tend to provide a sense of blend and distance to music, but provide little warmth and envelopment, and often can make the sound colored or muddy. Large rooms can provide envelopment, but often the sound can be too clear and present, with the instruments seemingly stuck in loudspeakers.
To make matters worse, in a real space every musician will have a completely different reflection pattern from every other musician, and every listener will have a different pattern from every other listener. In addition, reproduction of a given sound field through a loudspeaker array is only possible if the listener occupies a single, known position. If our goal is to create a believable room impression over a wide listening area – and this should be our goal – then we better do something else.
Our solution has been to study the physics and the neurology of human hearing, to discover the mechanisms by which reflected energy patterns create the useful perceptions of distance and envelopment, and to discover how to recreate these perceptions without compromising clarity. Using a knowledge of these mechanisms we can create reverberation devices that can give the desired acoustic impressions – rooms that sound plausibly real, but that give the recording engineer complete control over the sense of distance and the sense of envelopment. These rooms seem real, but they are not. They are designed and adjusted by the engineer to the specific needs of the recording, and they create their magic uniformly over a wide listening area.
To see how this works, consider a concert space – a large hall. In this space we hear a sonic event as a whole package of sounds, consisting of direct sound, various early reflections, and finally the reverberant tail. The sound that reaches us directly from the performer tells us the horizontal (and possibly the vertical) direction of the sound source; the reflections that follow give us cues for determining the distance to the source, and give us some information about the space.
Yet describing acoustics through the concepts of direct sound, early reflections, and reverberation is misleading from the point of view of human perception. Direct sound, early reflections and reverberation are only meaningful when the sound source is a very short impulse, like a pistol shot. Real sound sources produce sound events of finite duration (notes). The duration of a note is typically longer than the time between the direct sound and the early reflections. The length of time a note is held dramatically changes the acoustics we perceive, as short notes excite primarily early reflections, and long notes excite the later reverberation.
For example, in real rooms the direct sound is primarily perceived at the onsets of sound events (notes.) When a sound starts abruptly there is a brief instant where we can hear the direct sound all alone, before it is corrupted by or overwhelmed by reflected energy. In this brief interval we can detect the direction, and sometimes the elevation of the source. The