Appendix A. AS/400 Global Services
The following appendix describes
iSeries and AS/400 Data Migration Services
IBM has a
Selected hardware service representatives have been trained to deliver this service. Only an AS/400 Data Migration Services trained hardware service representative should attempt this procedure. This representative can assess the appropriateness of this activity.
If you would like more information about AS/400 Data Migration Services, contact your IBM iSeries 400 and AS/400 hardware service representative. Your IBM iSeries 400 and AS/400 hardware service representative can perform the procedure or put you in contact with the closest trained hardware service representative.
LPAR Planning and Implementation Services
It will assist a customer in planning and installing iSeries 400 and AS/400 logical partitioning on a new or existing
For more information, contact your local IBM representative or business partner or see the following Web site:
iSeries Planning and Migration Services
It will assist a customer in planning and migrating to the iSeries 400 V4R5 or later server line. This service will provide a planning session with the customer to ensure that all known customer requirements are fully discussed with a final hardware and software configuration and installation plan provided. The services specialist can also perform
System Migration Services
IBM has a
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