Operations Console
For information about setting up and configuring Operations Console, see the manual Operations Console Setup,
For information pertaining to an upgrade, see the book OptiConnect for OS/400,
Integrated Netfinity Server
See the book Getting Started with Integrated Netfinity Server,
Clustering and Logical Partitions
IBM representatives can get further information about clustering and logical partitions from the iSeries Information Center
Follow the link to Planning and then Logical Partitions.
Lotus Notes Enhanced Integration
For V4R4M0, OS/400 option 24 (OS/400 Lotus Notes Enhanced Integration) is no longer supported, and is deleted when upgrading to V4R4M0. A migration of the data in (OS/400 Lotus Notes Enhanced Integration) must be accomplished before the upgrade. IBM recommends migrating the data to Lotus Domino. For detailed migration instructions see the following URL:
Consideration when upgrading to 5769-RD1 OnDemand:
vIf your target release is Version 4 Release 2 (or a later release) and your source system has either of the following features installed:
And you plan to use either of the following features on your target system:
–For OnDemand migration and upgrade information, see the book LPS: OnDemand for AS/400,
SRC A900 2000 Recovery
Attention: Use this procedure only if no workstation on your system is operational: