Auto Rebuild and Restore
Follow these steps to reformat and repartition your hard drive.
The OS Restore program deletes all the data on your hard drive. If possible, back up your data before performing an OS restore.
1.Launch the NEC OS Restore CD and follow the prompts to get to the Restore Mode screen (see “Launching the OS Restore CD”).
2.Click Auto to repartition and reformat your hard drive.
TIf you are running Windows NT 4.0, skip to step 4.
If you are running Windows 95 or Windows 98, the
Partition Information screen appears.
3.he Partition Information screen that appears in Windows 95 or Windows 98 has three options (Back, FAT 16, and FAT 32) and lets you select the File Allocation Table (FAT) type you want to use for the operating system restore:
Click Back to return to the Operating Mode screen.
Click FAT 16 to select the FAT 16 allocation table
T(current FAT type).
Click FAT 32 to select the FAT 32 allocation table (available for Windows 95 or Windows 98 systems only).