Speakers, B-10
system unit dimensions, B-10 tape backup unit, B-9
Zip drive, B-9 Speed
DIMM, 4-14
Starting BIOS Setup utility, 3-6 Startup
power on, 2-3 Storage device
support, 1-12
Storage device installation, 4-35 cables, 4-37
device bays, 4-35 device preparation, 4-37
Storage devices installation, 4-45
System problems, 5-2 specifications, B-10
System board jumper settings, 3-35 locating jumpers, 3-36 locations of sockets and
connectors, 4-12 options, 4-12
System care
maintaining condition, 2-8 protecting from damage, 2-6
System fan, 1-10 System memory, 1-14
checking, 4-15 System unit
cleaning, 2-8
Tape backup unit, 1-5 cables, 4-37 cabling, 4-41
installing, 4-51 specifications, B-9
Time incorrect, 5-3
Troubleshooting, 5-2 battery, 5-3 booting, 5-3, 5-4, 5-5 CD-ROM drive, 5-7 common problems, 5-2 date, incorrect, 5-3 disk error, 5-3, 5-5 diskette drive, 5-4 keyboard/mouse, 5-6 monitor, 5-5 password, 5-4 performance problems, 5-4 power, 5-2
speakers, 5-8
system problems, 5-2 time, incorrect, 5-3
Uninstalling, NEC Help Center, 3-34
Upgrading BIOS, 3-20 DIMMs, 4-13 hard drive, 4-48 memory, 4-12, 4-13 processor, 4-12
USB ports, 1-4
USB port, 1-8
VGA connector monitor, 1-8
Voltage selector switch, 1-10 setup, 2-3