Chapter 4
| What Is | Possible Reason | What to Do |
| Happening |
| ||
| |
| The receiver front panel | You may have muted the sound, or | Check the volume level on the TV or audio device. Turn off the |
| Power light is on and | set the volume so low that you | mute or turn up the volume, as required. |
| there is a good picture on | cannot hear it. | Check the audio connectors and cables from the receiver to the TV |
| the TV set, but you do not | The audio connections may not be | or the sound system. |
| hear any sound. | properly connected. | Check the TV speakers or the sound system. |
| You hear a foreign | You may have set the receiver to an | Use the Alternate Audio Language menu to select the language |
| language with a program. | alternate audio language. | that you prefer. |
| What Is | Possible Reason | What to Do |
| Happening |
| ||
| |
| The receiver front panel | The TV set may not be working | Make sure that the TV set is plugged into an electrical outlet. Make |
| Power light is on, but the | properly. | sure the outlet has electrical power. Make sure that the TV is turned |
| TV image: | If the TV and the receiver are | on. If the receiver is connected to the TV using only the RF or VHF |
| is black (no picture), | working properly, there may be | connections, make sure that the TV is tuned to channel 3 or 4 |
| interference with the satellite signal. | (whichever works best in your area) and that the receiver back |
| |
| is frozen, |
| ||
| The TV may be wired to the wrong | panel Channel 3/4 Switch is set to the same channel as the TV. |
| |
| has breakups, |
| ||
| input. | Make sure that the TV brightness and contrast are adjusted |
| |
| has “snow,” or |
| ||
| correctly. |
| |
| shows small squares of |
| |
| Make sure that the TV is connected properly to the receiver. |
| |
| various colors. |
| |
| Make sure that the TV’s text mode and closed captioned features |
| |
| |
| are turned off. Set the TV to SVIDEO or VIDEO input. |
| Check that the system has been installed correctly. Make sure that |
| all required coaxial cables are in place, and check that all cable |
| connectors are tight and dry (for outdoor cables). |
| Make sure that the satellite dish has a clear line of sight to the |
| satellite. Check whether branches or leaves have grown into the line |
| of sight. |
| Make sure that the satellite dish is aimed at the satellite. Check the |
| strength of the signal using the Point Dish and Signal Strength |
| menu. Consult your installer to |
| obtain the maximum possible signal strength. |
| Note the local weather conditions. Heavy rain, snow, or cloud cover |
| may be interfering with transmission of the satellite signal. Remove |
| any snow or other debris which may have collected on the satellite |
| dish. |
| The receiver front panel | The TV set may not be working | Make sure that the TV brightness and contrast are adjusted |
| Power light is on, and | properly. | correctly, and that the TV is working properly. |
| there is a picture on the | If the receiver is connected to the TV | Make sure that the TV is connected properly to the receiver. |
| TV screen, but the picture: | using only the RF or VHF | Check other nearby electrical devices as possible sources of |
| has sparkles or is grainy, | connections, there may be a strong | interference. Check that all required coaxial cables are in place. |
| local broadcast on the same channel, | Check for moisture or water leaking into all connections. Dry them |
| |
| has a herringbone pattern, |
| ||
| or a channel adjacent to the one to | out if needed, then seal them with coaxial cable sealant. Check the |
| |
| lacks color or vertical |
| ||
| which the TV is tuned. |
| ||
| hold, or wobbles, or |
| ||
| There may be interference from | dealer or installer. |
| |
| looks “washed out” or |
| ||
| other nearby electrical devices (such |
| |
| fuzzy. |
| |
| as cellular telephones, computers, |
| |
| |
| microwave ovens, radios, stereos, or |
| TVs). |
| A “black box” fills almost | You may have turned on the Closed | Using the TV remote control and/or menus displayed by the TV |
| all of the TV screen. | Captioned feature on the TV, and put | (not the receiver remote control or the menus displayed by the |
| that feature into Text mode. | receiver), turn off the closed captioned feature. |
| The TV screen is all blue. | You may have connected the | Check your TV owner’s manual for the correct TV input to use for |
| receiver to an input on the TV that is | the signal output from the receiver. |
| incorrect for the signal output from |
| the receiver. |
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