Chapter 5
| What Is | Possible Reason | What to Do |
| Happening |
| ||
| |
| You enter a desired | You may have made a mistake | Carefully retry entering the channel number you want. |
| channel number. The | entering the channel number, or the | Press the remote control Recall button to return to the previous |
| channel changes, but the | channel number you entered may be | channel number. Select All Chan as the active Favorite List. |
| new channel is not exactly | invalid. | Unlock the receiver so that it does not skip adult channels. |
| the channel you entered. | If so, the channel displayed is the | If you want to buy a channel, call the Customer Service Center. |
| You are scanning up or | closest possible to the channel you |
| down through the | entered. |
| channels, and the receiver | If you entered the number for a |
| is skipping channels that | channel that you have not bought, |
| you know you have | the receiver will change to the |
| bought. | channel and allow you to buy the |
| channel or display a message. |
| If a Favorite List other than All |
| Chan is applied, the receiver will |
| skip channels that are not on the |
| applied list. |
| If you have set up the Program |
| Guide to hide adult channels and |
| the receiver is locked, the receiver |
| will skip such channels. |
| What Is | Possible Reason | What to Do |
| Happening |
| ||
| |
| You press the remote | If you have not added channels to | You must add channels to a custom Favorite List before you can |
| Guide button while the | any custom Favorite List, you will | apply it. |
| Program Guide is | be able to apply only the All Chan |
| displayed. You find that | list or the All Sub list. |
| you can apply only the All |
| Chan list or the All Sub |
| list. |
| You try to change the | The receiver will not allow you to | Choose another list to change. |
| All Chan list or the All | change the All Chan list or the All | Note: You can change the All Sub list by changing what channels |
| Sub list. The receiver | Sub list. | you buy. |
| displays an ERROR |
| message. |
| You try to apply an empty | The receiver will not allow you to | Choose another list to apply, or add at least one channel to the |
| Favorite List. The receiver | apply an empty list. | empty list. |
| displays an ERROR |
| message. |
| A Favorite List does not | If you have set up the Program | Unlock the receiver for the list to show adult channels. |
| show channels that you | Guide to hide adult channels and |
| know you have added to it. | the receiver is locked, the Favorite |
| List will not show such channels. |
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