| Troubleshooting Tables | ||
| |||
| What Is | Possible Reason | What to Do |
| Happening |
| ||
| |
| Someone orders a pay per | You may have been away from the | Lock the purchase of pay per view programs. Remember that you |
| view program without | receiver, and someone else used it. | are responsible for all pay per view purchases, whether or not you |
| your permission. |
| authorize such purchases. If you lock pay per view purchases, then |
| anyone who wants to order a pay per view program must enter the |
| password. |
| You find that you are not | The receiver may not be connected | You must connect the receiver to an active telephone connection at |
| able to order a pay per | to an active telephone line. | all times. If you install two or more receivers, you must connect |
| view program. | The credit limit may have been | each receiver to an active telephone connection at all times. |
| exceeded. | Review your pay per view purchases to check the credit limit. |
| You find that you are not | You ordered a pay per view | You cannot cancel an order for a pay per view program, whether it |
| able to cancel a pay per | program, and then decided not to | was just ordered or ordered earlier. |
| view program. | watch it. |
| Your setup includes more | You ordered a pay per view | If you want to watch a pay per view program on TVs connected to |
| than one receiver. You | program, and want it to be available | up to six receivers, you must order the program for each receiver |
| order a pay per view | via all the receivers in your setup. | but you only pay for the program once. |
| program, but it does not |
| appear via all of the |
| receivers. |
| |||
| |
| What Is Happening | Possible Reason | What to Do |
| While you are making a | The receiver may have tried to call the | You do not have to do anything. You can always use your telephone |
| telephone call, you hear | Customer Service Center to send pay | line, because the receiver automatically hangs up if it finds the line is |
| “clicks.” | per view purchase information. When | busy. |
| the receiver found that the telephone |
| was busy, it automatically |
| disconnected. |
| The receiver cannot connect | Maybe the receiver is connected to a | Install a DSL filter between the receiver and the telephone wall jack. |
| to DISH Network. | DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) phone |
| line. |
| You pick up the telephone to | The receiver was calling the Customer | Hang up, and then pick up the telephone again to get a dial tone. |
| make a call, but you do not | Service Center to send pay per view |
| hear a dial tone. | information. When the receiver found |
| that the telephone was busy, it |
| automatically disconnected. |
| Your computer or facsimile | The receiver was calling the Customer | Resend the FAX or modem transmission. |
| (FAX) machine tries to send | Service Center to send pay per view |
| a FAX or modem | information. When the receiver found |
| transmission, but fails. | that the telephone was busy, it |
| automatically disconnected. The FAX |
| or modem found that there was no dial |
| tone, and cancelled the transmission. |
| Your computer or FAX | The receiver may have tried to call the | Have the sender resend the FAX or modem transmission. |
| machine was receiving a | Customer Service Center to send pay |
| FAX or modem | per view purchase information during |
| transmission, but an error | the FAX or mode call. When the |
| occurred. | receiver found that the telephone was |
| busy, it automatically disconnected. |
| This generated “clicks” that caused an |
| error in the FAX or modem |
| transmission. |
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