Analogue setting
In general, you do not need to alter the analogue programmes. New analogue pro- grammes are unlikely to appear due to digital television's advancement. The pro- gramme data is already factory preset or will be stored during the search.
For matching purposes, there are two menus available which are displayed in white.
Video menu
You reach the video menu via the button. You select the subentry using the
buttons. Your settings are saved with the button.
The name of the saved programme is specified here. You can change it yourself. Refer to the section "operating manual /alphanumerical entry" to find out how to proceed.
Enter the
buttons you can optimise the receiving frequency with 1 MHz increments (rec- ommended if picture is noisy due to a weak signal).
In this menu entry, the vertical and horizontal polarisation is selected by means of a switching voltage (14 or 18 V) with theor .
You select the transmission band here. The
Low threshold
The low threshold setting needs to be altered only if reception conditions are poor. Normally, the setting is set to '1.'
Observe the picture while making the setting or buttons and adjust for mini- mum interference.
Using the or button you can adjust for maximum picture brightness.