Polaroid XS20, POLAROID ACTION CAMERA Motion Detect Monitor Mode, Setting The System Parameters

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played, they will appear as a slide show, each one lasting 5 seconds.

7.If the next file is a video, it will play once in its entirety. NOTE: If the video clip is lengthy, a delay will be experienced as the video loads for playback.

8.To stop auto play, press the Execute Button.

9.To exit auto play, press the Power Button.

Motion Detect Monitor Mode

1.Connect the A/V Cable to the camera’s A/V Out Jack 0 and the other end to the video input of a TV receiver as follows: Yellow to the TV’s video input jack and White to the TV’s audio input jack.

2.Change the TV’s input to select the composite Video In terminals. (If in doubt, consult the TV’s user’s manual.)

3.Press the Mode Transfer Button ; the yellow and blue lights will turn on together.

4.Video should appear on the TV and the camera sets itself to the motion detect mode.

5.If a subject in the camera’s view should move, the camera will automatically record for the length of time programmed into the system settings (10-seconds, 1-minute, 5-minutes or 10- minutes).

6.Press the Mode Transfer Button again; the button lights will change to yellow and red, and the camera will enter the motion detect photo-taking mode.

7.Now, if the camera detects motion, it will take a still image of the subject.

8.The motion detect mode of the camera loops its recordings. When the memory card becomes full, this mode will erase previously recorded files and replace them with new ones. (Loop recording can be turned off in the system settings procedure described next.

9.To end the motion detect recording mode, press the Power Button

Setting The System Parameters

1.Connect the A/V Cable to the camera’s A/V Out Jack and the other end to the video input of a TV receiver as follows: Yellow to the TV’s video input jack and White to the TV’s audio input jack.

2.Change the TV’s input to select the composite Video In terminals. (If in doubt, consult the TV’s user’s manual.)

3.Press the Execute Button for 3 seconds.

4.A list of system items that you can set will appear on the TV screen.

5.To choose an item, quickly press the Execute Button .

6.Use the Up Button and Down Button to choose a parameter setting.

7.After making your selection, quickly press the Execute Button to record your choice.

8.Repeat steps 6 and 7 to set parameters for the following items: QUALITY-Fine, Standard, Economy (This sets the video resolution. Fine consumes the most memory; Economy creates the smallest files but has the


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Contents User Guide Polaroid XS20 User Guide Precautions Charging the Battery Camera Power UpWaterproof Plug Selecting Image-Taking Modes Motion-Detect Video Recording Recording Still Images Video Recording Downloading Your Images Motion-Detect Photo-TakingOperating the Light Panel TV Out Function PC Camera FunctionTaking Videos While Charging Motion Detect Monitor Mode Setting The System ParametersBike Mount Setting System Time via ComputerPerforming a System Reset Helmet Mount Specifications FOVPrise étanche Polaroid XS20 Manuel D’UTILISATIONSélection des Modes de Prise dImages Chargement de la BatterieDémarrage du Caméscope Enregistrement Vidéo si Détection de Mouvements Enregistrement dImages StatiquesEnregistrement vidéo Téléchargement de vos images Prise de photos si détection de mouvementsUtilisation du panneau de lumière Fonction Sortie TV Fonction Caméscope PCEnregistrement de Vidéos Pendant le Chargement Mode de détection des mouvements Réglage des paramètres systèmeRéglage de lHoraire du Système via lOrdinateur Support casque Réinitialisation du SystèmeSupport Vélo Caractéristiques Polaroid XS20 Manuale Utente Accendere la Fotocamera Sigillo ImpermeabileCaricare la Batteria Registrare video Selezione delle Modalità di Realizzazione delle ImmaginiScattare fotografie Registrare Video con il Sistema di Rilevamento del Movimento Scattare Foto con il Sistema di Rilevamento del MovimentoAccendere il Pannello Luminoso Scaricare le ImmaginiFunzione TV-Out Funzione Fotocamera per PCRegistrare Video Durante la Fase di Ricarica Modalità Monitor con Sistema di Rilevamento del Movimento Impostazione dei Parametri del SistemaImpostare Data e Ora del Sistema Tramite Computer Sistema di Montaggio per Casco Esecuzione di una Procedura di Ripristino del SistemaSistema di Montaggio per Biciclette Caratteristiche Polaroid XS20 Benutzerhandbuch Einschalten der Kamera Wasserdichter StopfenDas Aufladen der Batterie Standbilder aufnehmen Den Bildaufnahme-Modus auswählenVideoaufzeichnung Die Lichttafel bedienen Videoaufzeichnung mit BewegungsmelderBildaufnahme mit Bewegungsmelder Das Herunterladen Ihrer Bilder MethodeWährend des Ladevorganges Videos aufzeichnen TV-AusgangsfunktionBewegungsmelder-Monitormodus Die Systemparameter einstellenDie Systemzeit per Computer Einstellen Helmaufsatz Eine Systemzurücksetzung DurchführenFahrradaufsatz Funktionen Polaroid XS20 Manual DEL Usuario Enchufe Impermeable Cargar la BateríaEncendido de la cámara Seleccionar Modos de Captura de ImágenesGrabación de Vídeo Grabar Imágenes FijasFuncionamiento del Panel de Iluminación Grabación de Vídeo de Detección de MovimientoCaptura de fotografías de detección de movimiento Grabar Vídeos Durante la Carga Descargar las ImágenesFunción de la Cámara para PC Función Salida de TV Modo Supervisión de Setector de MovimientoConfigurar los Parámetros del Sistema Ajustar la Hora del Sistema a Través del OrdenadorMontaje en Casco Reiniciar el SistemaMontaje en Bicicleta Polaroid XS20 Manual DEL Usuario Características Fabricado EN China