Customer HOT Line
Model No. HTL93940 Serial No
Table of Contents
Important Precautions
Feet, wearing only stockings, or in sandals
Before YOU Begin
Right Side Back
Performant Lube TM Walking Belt
HOW to Plug in the Power Cord
Treadmill Operation
More information
HOW to Turn on the Power
Select the manual mode
Insert the key into the console
Start the walking belt
Distance/Incline Play--This display
Pace/Time display
Measure your heart rate if desired
Turn on the fan if desired
HOW to USE Personal Trainer Programs
Select one of the personal trainer programs
HOW to USE Heart Rate Programs
Enter your age
Enter a maximum speed. After you have entered
Key from the console
When you are finished exercising, remove
Ollow your progress with the displays
Cline settings
Select one Custom programs
Press the Start button Or the Speed Increase
Button and program the desired speed
Easure your heart rate if desired
Howto USE Custom Programs
Select one of the custom programs
HOW to Connect the Treadmill to
HOW to Connect Your Portable Stereo
HOW to Connect Your Portable CD Player
Your CD PLAYER, VCR, or Computer
HOW to Connect Your Home Stereo
HOW to Connect Your Computer
HOW to Connect Your VCR
HOW to USE IFIT,COM CD and Video Programs
Ress the Play button on your CD player or VCR
HOW to USE Programs Directly from OUR WEB Site
Change to the next settings of the program
Follow the on-line instructions to start the program
Follow your progress with the LED track and the displays
Optional Chest Pulse Sensor
Information Modeidemo Mode
HOW to Adjust the Cushioning System
HOW to Fold and Move the Treadmill
HOW to Fold the Treadmill for Storage
HOW to Move the Treadmill
Mat under the treadmill. Keep the treadmill out
HOW to Lower the Treadmill for USE
Exercise Guidelines
Exercise Intensity
Fat Burning
Aerobic Exercise
Suggested Stretches
Hamstring Stretch
Quadriceps Stretch
Inner Thigh Stretch
Part LISTmModel No. HTL93940 2O3A
KeyNo Qty Description
Description Qty
102 120 116 130
Icon Health & FITNESS, INC., 1500 S W., LOGAN, UT
HOW to Order Replacement Parts
LI Mited Warranty