4.0 - 4.9 | Highly improving TE | Rapidly improves aerobic fitness if repeated |
| A few easier exercise sessions (TE |
5.0 | Dramatic increase in aerobic fitness if adequate recovery is | |
| allowed afterwards. High demand for recovery. Increased risk |
| of overtraining if repeated too often. |
When monitoring your Training Effect, you no longer need to stay within
Suunto t3 shows the Training Effect in two ways. The lower right side of the display shows it as a graph. It can also be shown as a number in the center of the screen instead of the heart rate reading. The TE of each workout is defined by the highest number (from 1.1 to 5.0) reached during the workout. The peak TE reached stays visible on the graph. If you want to further increase the effect after a lower intensity period, you need to
Long pressing the BACK button switches between heart rate and
This shortcut shows how much time you still have to the next training effect level. In this example, you need to continue 10 minutes at the current intensity to reach TE 3.2.
TE can be shown in the center instead of heart rate.
TE graph + scale
If you continue your workout after reaching the target, the bottom row automatically starts showing remaining time to the next TE level, in this case 3.4.