CAUTION: Keep in mind that the “Heart Rate” or “Training” zones are approximations. Always check with your physician to learn what the appropriate heart rate is for your level of fitness.
Utilizing the Heart Rate Interactive Capabilities
You can make each program on the EFX a heart rate interactive course by monitoring and maintaining your heart rate in the Smart Rate zone best suited for your specific needs. You can access Smart Rate only if the optional heart rate receiver is installed in your unit and you wear the Precor chest strap. The Smart Rate indicator lights do not appear when you use Quick Start.
Before using the Heart Rate capabilities on the EFX, take time to read the following guidelines.
•Consult with your physician before engaging in any vigorous exercise. Do not use the Heart Rate Control Course until authorized by your physician.
•Slow down and stop immediately if you experience any pain or abnormal symptoms.
•Gently stretch you lower body and back before and after working out to help prevent stiffness or soreness.
•Know your heart rate (pulse) and your
•You should not use the Heart Rate capabilities if you are taking any medications that either speed up or slow down your heart rate.
•Always face forward on your EFX and use the handrails for balance. Try not to use the handrails to support your weight.
•Keep in mind that you are working with very sensitive equipment and upper body movement should be kept to a minimum.
•After putting on the chest strap, be sure that the EFX is I (ON) and position yourself on the foot pedals facing the electronic console for a minimum of 15 seconds. This allows the receiver in the console to acknowledge the presence of the transmitter.
•Remember to incorporate a
Note: Refer to Precor Heart Rate Option — Safety Guidelines.
CAUTION: Always check with your physician to learn what the appropriate heart rate is for your level of fitness. Do not push yourself beyond the recommended range.
Using the EFX Heart Rate Control Course
The EFX Heart Rate Control Course has been designed from research conducted at the world- renowned Cooper Institute for Aerobics Research. The HRC program must be used in conjunction with the Precor Heart Rate Option. You can use the HRC program to maximize your aerobic workout. Once you start the program, select a ramp position that gives you the elliptical movement and workout that you want. The EFX software automatically adjusts the resistance (or prompts you to increase the strides per minute, if necessary) to keep your heart rate within the cardiovascular heart rate zone.
Important: During your workout, you should strive to maintain a comfortable and constant stride rate above 100 spm. Otherwise the system will continually overcompensate and the resistance levels will be moving up or down more often.
To use the course follow the steps in Working Out on the EFX and choose “HRC” at the course prompt. The following occurs:
Note: You must wear the Precor chest strap to use the Heart Rate Control Course.
1.A prompt asks you to select a workout time. The software defaults to 20 minutes if no previous record exists. You can select a range of time between 5 and 99 minutes in or
keys to specify your workout time. Press ENTER.
2.A scrolling prompt appears to query you about your recommended heart rate zones. The upper limit of your target heart rate appears and scrolls across the display. Use the or
keys if you wish to override the recommended heart rate. Press ENTER. A chart showing the recommended heart rate zones can be found in Diagram 13 on page 20.
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