Cisco Systems 10.x Touchless Installation for Virtual Machine, Methods for Touchless Installation

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Chapter 1 Installing Cisco Unity Connection

Installation Tasks

Touchless Installation for Virtual Machine

Touchless installation is an enhancement of the existing unattended installation, which promotes simplified cluster installation. In unattended installation, you first install Unity Connection on the publisher server using answer file, add the subscriber server to the Cluster page of the publisher server, and then start the installation of subscriber server. However, in Touchless installation, you are not required to manually enter the details of the subscriber server on the publisher server. The subscriber details are automatically updated through clusterConfig.xml file or dynamic-cluster-configurationoption in the AFG tool, which minimizes the need for intervention and scheduling during the deployment of a new cluster.

Note ClusterConfig.xml file is generated only for the Touchless installation of Unity Connection 10.5(2) and above.

Methods for Touchless Installation

You can use either of the following two methods for Touchless installation:

Predefined Cluster Configurations (AFG Process)

Automatic Sequencing of Touchless server (Subscriber-Dynamic-Cluster configuration).

Predefined Cluster Configurations (AFG Process)

In this method of installation, the Answer File Generator (AFG) tool generates the clusterConfig.xml file along with the existing platformConfig.xml file for both the publisher and subscriber servers. If you specify the details of the subscriber server in the AFG tool, those details are included in the clusterConfig.xml file. After the publisher server is installed, it reads the clusterConfig.xml file and if the publisher server finds the subscriber server, it adds the subscriber server to its processnode table. Adding the subscriber server to the processnode table eliminates the need to wait for the publisher server to finish its installation, and then manually add the subscriber server on the server page.Thus, the entire installation process occurs automatically.

Automatic Sequencing of Touchless Server (dynamic-cluster-configuration)

In automatic sequencing feature, subscriber gets configured dynamically along with the publisher during the installation. To use this functionality, enable the dynamic-cluster-configurationoption in the AFG tool or use the command line interface (CLI) command on the publisher server. To use CLI to enable dynamic-configuration functionality, see (Optional) To Enable Dynamic-Cluster-Configuration Using CLI, page 1-19. There is no clusterconfig.xml file in this process of Touchless install.You need to enable the Dynamic Cluster Config Timer (1-24 hours) and start the installation on both the servers at the same time. The number of hours is the duration for which subscriber waits for publisher to receive the subscriber entry in the processnode table.

Task List for Touchless Installation

You need to perform the following tasks to generate answer files and create floppy image for Touchless installation.

1.Generate and download answer files that includes the platformConfig.xml files for both the publisher and the subscriber server and clusterconfig.xml file (only for AFG Process). For more information on how to generate answer files, see To Generate and Download Answer Files using AFG, page 1-16.

Install, Upgrade, and Maintenance Guide for Cisco Unity Connection Release 10.x


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Contents Cisco Systems, Inc Page N T E N T S Rollback of Unity Connection Server Viewing Reports for Licenses Documentation Conventions Audience and UseConvention Description Cisco Unity Connection Documentation Cisco Business Edition References in DocumentationCisco Product Security Overview Page Installing Cisco Unity Connection Methods of InstallationPre-Installation Tasks Important Considerations for InstallationTask Important Notes Utils ntp status Creating a Virtual MachineTo Create a Virtual Machine Changing the Boot Order of Virtual Machine Added FebruaryGathering Information for Installation Verifying DNS SettingsTo Verify DNS Settings Configuration Setting Description Time ZoneCLI set timezone MTU SizeHostname and IP addresses CLI set network dhcpCLI set network gateway CLI set network ip eth0Administrator Account Credentials CLI set password user adminCertificate Information CLI set web-securitySettings NTP Servers CLI using the CLI commandSecurity Password CLI set password user securityCLI utils cuc reset password Smtp ServerCLI set smtp Application Account CredentialsInstallation Scenarios Installation TasksGenerating Answer File for Unattended Installation, StandaloneNavigating Within the Installation Wizard Installing the Publisher ServerTo Install a Unity Connection Publisher Server To Do This Press ThisFirst Node Configuration window appears DNS Client Configuration window displaysCertificate Information window appears Smtp Host Configuration window appears Select OK. The Application User Configuration window appearsConfiguring Subscriber Server on the Publisher Server Installing the Subscriber ServerTo Configure Subscriber server on the publisher server To Install a Subscriber ServerTask List for Unattended Installation Generating Answer File for Unattended InstallationTo Generate and Download Answer Files using AFG To Configure the Publisher Server on Virtual Machine To Configure the Subscriber Server on Virtual MachineMethods for Touchless Installation Touchless Installation for Virtual MachineTask List for Touchless Installation Optional To Enable Dynamic-Cluster-Configuration Using CLI Applying a PatchAuto Negotiation Configuration window displays To Upgrade from a Remote Server When Applying a PatchTo Apply a Patch Install Upgrade Patch Selection window displays Platform Installation Wizard window displaysVerifying the Installation To Upgrade from a Local Disk When Applying a PatchInstall Upgrade Patch Selection Validation window displays To Verify the InstallationUtils cuc activate Cusrsv Troubleshooting Installation Issues Post-Installation TasksUtils cuc reset password To view the log file from the command line, enter Page About Disaster Recovery System About CobrasBackup Files in DRS Components Supported for DRS BackupConnectiondatabase component To Configure a DRS Backup Configuring DRS BackupConfigure a backup device in DRS Configuring a Backup Schedule Configure the backup processViewing the Backup Status Configuring a Manual BackupViewing the Backup History To Restore the Software Components on Unity Connection Configuring DRS RestoreRun the Restore Wizard Viewing the Restore Status To Check the Restore Status in Disaster Recovery SystemTo View the Restore History in Disaster Recovery System Viewing the Restore HistorySelect Restore History. The Restore History window displays Upgrade Types Upgrading Cisco Unity ConnectionUpgrade Type Upgrade Path Description Applying COP fileFrom a Network Location,Status of Unity Connection Cluster During L2 Upgrade Status of Unity Connection Cluster During RUDuration of Upgrade Prerequisites for UpgradeTask list to Upgrade to Unity Connection Shipping Version Expand Tools and select Cluster ManagementUtils iothrottle disable To Upgrade the Unity Connection Server From the Software Upgrades menu, select Install/UpgradeUpgrading the Unity Connection Server Connection Server, page 3-7sectionTo continue monitoring the upgrade, select Assume Control Applying COP file from a Network Location To Apply a COP file from Network LocationImportant Considerations for Rollback Rollback of Unity ConnectionRollback Scenarios Page Page Configuring Cisco Unity Connection Cluster Task List for Configuring a Unity Connection ClusterChecking the Cluster Status Administering a Unity Connection ClusterManaging Messaging Ports in a Cluster Server Assignments and Usage of Voice Messaging Ports Stopping All Ports from Taking New Calls Restarting All Ports to Take Calls Server Status in a Unity Connection Cluster Changing Server Status in a Cluster and its Effects From the Tools menu, select Cluster ManagementManually Activating a Server with Deactivated Status To Manually Activate a Server with Deactivated StatusStatus Change Effects Server Effects Shutting Down a Server in a ClusterTo Shutdown a Server in a Unity Connection Cluster Understanding Cluster in Detail Replacing Servers in a ClusterHow a Unity Connection Cluster Works Page Page Maintaining Cisco Unity Connection Server Migrating a Physical Server to a Virtual MachineReplacing a Publisher Server To Replace a Publisher ServerReplacing a Subscriber Server To Replace a Subscriber ServerHtml Tasks Procedure Replacing the Non-Functional ServerCommand show cuc cluster status Maintaining Cisco Unity Connection Server To Change the IP Address of a Standalone or a Cluster Server Adding or Removing Unity Connection Languages 10xcucsecix.htmlInstalling Unity Connection Language Files Installing Unity Connection Language Files from a Disk To Install Unity Connection Language Files from a DiskSelect Next Removing Unity Connection Language Files Code uninstalledTo Remove a Unity Connection Language File Page Installing Licenses on the PLM server Status of LicensesHtml#CPLMTKG69E915800 Html#CPLMTKAA222E9400Licenses in Unity Connection Cluster Migrating LicensesUsing Cobras Tool Using Cobras Tool, Using Upgrade Process,To Migrate Licenses Using Cobras tool Migrating Licenses from Cisco UnityUsing Upgrade Process Viewing Reports for LicensesViewing the License Usage Viewing the Last Connectivity Time with the PLM ServerLicense Parameters for Unity Connection Features Viewing the Last Compliance TimeLicense Parameter Feature Description