Cisco Systems 10.x manual Hostname and IP addresses, CLI set network dhcp, CLI set network gateway

Page 17

Chapter 1 Installing Cisco Unity Connection








Pre-Installation Tasks


Table 1-2

Gathering Information for Installation









Configuration Setting




Can Setting Be Changed After Installation?






Hostname and IP addresses:


Sets whether to use DHCP to


Yes, using the CLI command

DHCP (Yes/No): ______


automatically configure the network


CLI > set network dhcp


settings on your server.


If DHCP is No:



CLI > set network gateway


If you select No, you must enter a


Hostname: _________________



CLI > set network ip eth0


hostname, IP address, IP address


IP Address: _________________


mask, and the gateway IP address.












IP Mask: ___________________


The hostname can contain up to 64





alphanumeric characters, hyphens,




Gateway (GW) Address:________




underscores, and period. The first











character cannot be a hyphen.






We recommend you use static






Dynamic Host Control Protocol






(DHCP) host configuration to ensure






the DHCP server always provides the






same IP address settings to the server






Note If you do not have a gateway,






you must still set this field to








specifying a gateway may






limit you to only being able to






communicate with devices on






your subnet.
















Caution Make sure not









to use









ciscounity in









the hostname









of the server









else enterprise


















will break.















Domain Name Server:


Sets whether a DNS server resolves a


Yes, using the CLI commands

DNS: (Yes/No): ______


hostname and IP address.


CLI > set network dns







If DNS is Yes:


Note Unity Connection enables the


CLI > set network domain

Domain: ____________________

use of a domain name server




to locate other Cisco Unity




DNS Primary: _________________

servers and devices. This is




necessary when configuring




DNS Secondary: _______________




digital networking and











clustered server pairs. We






recommend you to configure






a secondary DNS server to






avoid any loss of connectivity






or service.













Install, Upgrade, and Maintenance Guide for Cisco Unity Connection Release 10.x


Image 17
Contents Cisco Systems, Inc Page N T E N T S Rollback of Unity Connection Server Viewing Reports for Licenses Convention Description Audience and UseDocumentation Conventions Cisco Business Edition References in Documentation Cisco Unity Connection DocumentationCisco Product Security Overview Page Methods of Installation Installing Cisco Unity ConnectionTask Important Notes Important Considerations for InstallationPre-Installation Tasks To Create a Virtual Machine Creating a Virtual MachineUtils ntp status Added February Changing the Boot Order of Virtual MachineTo Verify DNS Settings Verifying DNS SettingsGathering Information for Installation Time Zone Configuration Setting DescriptionCLI set timezone MTU SizeCLI set network dhcp Hostname and IP addressesCLI set network gateway CLI set network ip eth0CLI set password user admin Administrator Account CredentialsCertificate Information CLI set web-securityCLI using the CLI command Settings NTP ServersSecurity Password CLI set password user securitySmtp Server CLI utils cuc reset passwordCLI set smtp Application Account CredentialsInstallation Tasks Installation ScenariosGenerating Answer File for Unattended Installation, StandaloneInstalling the Publisher Server Navigating Within the Installation WizardTo Install a Unity Connection Publisher Server To Do This Press ThisCertificate Information window appears DNS Client Configuration window displaysFirst Node Configuration window appears Select OK. The Application User Configuration window appears Smtp Host Configuration window appearsInstalling the Subscriber Server Configuring Subscriber Server on the Publisher ServerTo Configure Subscriber server on the publisher server To Install a Subscriber ServerTo Generate and Download Answer Files using AFG Generating Answer File for Unattended InstallationTask List for Unattended Installation To Configure the Subscriber Server on Virtual Machine To Configure the Publisher Server on Virtual MachineTask List for Touchless Installation Touchless Installation for Virtual MachineMethods for Touchless Installation Applying a Patch Optional To Enable Dynamic-Cluster-Configuration Using CLITo Apply a Patch To Upgrade from a Remote Server When Applying a PatchAuto Negotiation Configuration window displays Platform Installation Wizard window displays Install Upgrade Patch Selection window displaysTo Upgrade from a Local Disk When Applying a Patch Verifying the InstallationInstall Upgrade Patch Selection Validation window displays To Verify the InstallationUtils cuc activate Cusrsv Utils cuc reset password Post-Installation TasksTroubleshooting Installation Issues To view the log file from the command line, enter Page About Cobras About Disaster Recovery SystemConnectiondatabase component Components Supported for DRS BackupBackup Files in DRS Configure a backup device in DRS Configuring DRS BackupTo Configure a DRS Backup Configure the backup process Configuring a Backup ScheduleViewing the Backup History Configuring a Manual BackupViewing the Backup Status Run the Restore Wizard Configuring DRS RestoreTo Restore the Software Components on Unity Connection To Check the Restore Status in Disaster Recovery System Viewing the Restore StatusSelect Restore History. The Restore History window displays Viewing the Restore HistoryTo View the Restore History in Disaster Recovery System Upgrading Cisco Unity Connection Upgrade TypesApplying COP file Upgrade Type Upgrade Path DescriptionFrom a Network Location,Status of Unity Connection Cluster During RU Status of Unity Connection Cluster During L2 UpgradePrerequisites for Upgrade Duration of UpgradeExpand Tools and select Cluster Management Task list to Upgrade to Unity Connection Shipping VersionUtils iothrottle disable From the Software Upgrades menu, select Install/Upgrade To Upgrade the Unity Connection ServerUpgrading the Unity Connection Server Connection Server, page 3-7sectionTo continue monitoring the upgrade, select Assume Control To Apply a COP file from Network Location Applying COP file from a Network LocationRollback Scenarios Rollback of Unity ConnectionImportant Considerations for Rollback Page Page Task List for Configuring a Unity Connection Cluster Configuring Cisco Unity Connection ClusterManaging Messaging Ports in a Cluster Administering a Unity Connection ClusterChecking the Cluster Status Server Assignments and Usage of Voice Messaging Ports Stopping All Ports from Taking New Calls Restarting All Ports to Take Calls Server Status in a Unity Connection Cluster From the Tools menu, select Cluster Management Changing Server Status in a Cluster and its EffectsTo Manually Activate a Server with Deactivated Status Manually Activating a Server with Deactivated StatusStatus Change Effects To Shutdown a Server in a Unity Connection Cluster Shutting Down a Server in a ClusterServer Effects Replacing Servers in a Cluster Understanding Cluster in DetailHow a Unity Connection Cluster Works Page Page Migrating a Physical Server to a Virtual Machine Maintaining Cisco Unity Connection ServerTo Replace a Publisher Server Replacing a Publisher ServerTo Replace a Subscriber Server Replacing a Subscriber ServerHtml Replacing the Non-Functional Server Tasks ProcedureCommand show cuc cluster status Maintaining Cisco Unity Connection Server To Change the IP Address of a Standalone or a Cluster Server 10xcucsecix.html Adding or Removing Unity Connection LanguagesInstalling Unity Connection Language Files To Install Unity Connection Language Files from a Disk Installing Unity Connection Language Files from a DiskSelect Next To Remove a Unity Connection Language File Code uninstalledRemoving Unity Connection Language Files Page Status of Licenses Installing Licenses on the PLM serverHtml#CPLMTKG69E915800 Html#CPLMTKAA222E9400Migrating Licenses Licenses in Unity Connection ClusterUsing Cobras Tool, Using Upgrade Process, Using Cobras ToolTo Migrate Licenses Using Cobras tool Migrating Licenses from Cisco UnityViewing Reports for Licenses Using Upgrade ProcessViewing the License Usage Viewing the Last Connectivity Time with the PLM ServerViewing the Last Compliance Time License Parameters for Unity Connection FeaturesLicense Parameter Feature Description