String Retainer Bar (1)
The string retainer bar is used to pro- vide the proper amount of downward string pressure over the locking top- nut. This should be adjusted only low enough to keep the strings in contact with the surface of the locking topnut, which will prevent the strings from going sharp in pitch after tightening the locking topnut.
Locking Topnut (2) (at headstock)
With the supplied 3mm hex wrench, loosen the three locking topnut screws to allow the strings to pass through the string slots. Tune to pitch and tighten locking topnut screws until snug.
String Installation
After loosening topnut screws (at headstock), use tuning machines to remove string tension. Loosen string lock bolts at bridge approximately three turns using the 3mm hex wrench. Insert string end through tuning machines and locking topnut. Cut off excess string length approxi- mately one inch past string lock bolts. Insert string end into bridge saddle (between saddle housing and lock block) and tighten until snug. DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN. Adjust fine tuning knobs to middle position. Stretch strings and tune to pitch. Tighten locking topnut, stretch string once more and
D-Tuner™ Operation and Adjustment
“E” position